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American Soybean Association (ASA)
July 09

BASF announces partnership with American Soybean Association to alert soybean growers

June 09

Applicants being sought for 2010 American Soybean Association/DuPont Young Leader Program

April 09

American Soybean Association celebrates South Korean regulatory approval of LibertyLink soybeans, declares an historic milestone in the advancement of biotech soybeans

February 09

American Soybean Association welcomes South Korean regulatory approvals for new soybean traits

American Soybean Association and BASF Corporation invite U.S. soybean producers to sign up for the 2009 Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Challenge

American Soybean Association welcomes USDA funding for soybean rust monitoring

January 09

American Soybean Association calls the formation of the U.S. Soybean Federation radical and illogical

US Ag Secretary Schafer recommends Inspector General audit and investigation of National Soybean Checkoff

December 08

American Soybean Association board calls for USDA investigation of National Soybean Checkoff Program

November 08

American Soybean Association and Plant Health Care announce results of "N-Hibit Seed Treatment Satisfaction Guarantee" program

October 08

American Soybean Association seeks USDA help to fund soybean rust monitoring and early-warning system

September 08

American Soybean Association plays a key role in protecting U.S. soy exports to Europe

American Soybean Association celebrates EU approval of Bayer CropScience LibertyLink soybeans

American Soybean Association outlines priorities for bioenergy program for biodiesel

American Soybean Association welcomes China’s regulatory approval for Roundup Ready 2 Yield

July 08

American Soybean Association applauds regulatory approvals for Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans in Mexico, Australia and New Zealand

American Soybean Association encourages Midwest growers to participate in Syngenta demo days

American Soybean Association urges EU Commission to find practical solution for the low level presence of biotech traits not yet approved in the European Union

March 08

United Soybean Board and , American Soybean Association partner with researchers to crack genome code - Researchers predict entire soybean germplasm collection will be analyzed in three years

February 08

American Soybean Association and Plant Health Care, Inc. renew and enhance N-Hibit Partnership program with a "Satisfaction Guarantee"

American Soybean Association welcomes regulatory approvals for next generation soybean seed in key Asian countries

January 08

American Soybean Association supports United States government on WTO ruling against the EU on biotechnology

American Soybean Association and BASF Corporation invite U.S. soybean growers to sign up for the 2008 Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Field Trials program

October 07

Farm Bill provision may provide premiums for oilseeds for healthier foods

American Soybean Association applauds completion of Senate Farm Bill

American Soybean Association announces college scholarship opportunity for high school seniors, sponsored by BASF Corporation

September 07

American Soybean Association welcomes positive decision by the the European Food Safety Authority for LibertyLink soybeans

August 07

New strategies hope to build new demand for U.S. soybeans

July 07

American Soybean Association welcomes U.S. and Canada approvals of next generation soybean seed

American Soybean Association and Plant Health Care trials show early season benefits of N-Hibit soybean seed treatment

March 07

American Soybean Association tells U.S. Congress that farm bill changes are needed to create an adequate safety net for oilseed producers

February 07

American Soybean Association and Plant Health Care field trial program will evaluate N-Hibit seed treatment as soybean cyst nematode tool

American Soybean Association releases 2007 U.S. Farm Bill proposals - Soybean growers call for competitive income supports, biodiesel incentive payment

December 06

U.S. and Brazilian soybean farmers partner to build soy demand in India

November 06

American Soybean Association and John Deere announce precision agriculture education program and contest

September 06

American Soybean Association applauds WTO final ruling against EU biotech moratorium

June 06

U.S. soybean farmers partner with Paraguayans farmers to build demand

American Soybean Association rallies support for new pro-biodiesel legislation

May 06

American Soybean Association calls EU traceability and labeling review a whitewash

April 06

American Soybean Association and Chinese officials sign agreement in Washington DC

March 06

American Soybean Association commends USDA for initial soybean rust assessment

Michael W. Yost appointed administrator of the Foreign Agricultural Service of USDA

February 06

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator recognizes agriculture’s ability to meet demand for renewable fuels

American Soybean Association hails victory against Europe’s biotech approval system, calls for prompt challenge of Europe’s discriminatory biotech labeling laws

January 06

American Soybean Association applauds DOE/USDA announcement to map the soybean genome

ASA/DuPont Young Leaders complete training at Pioneer Hi-Bred International

October 05

American Soybean Association savors victory in continuation of soybean rust management system

American Soybean Association celebrates victory for legume genomics

American Soybean Association seeks applicants for Young Leader Program

September 05

American Soybean Association drives U.S. soybean exports to all-time record

American Soybean Association salutes reopening of South Louisiana port to maximum draft vessels

August 05

American Soybean Association leaders witness signing of historic energy legislation

July 05

U.S. biodiesel tax incentive extended to 2008 - Passage of energy bill will lead to greater use of cleaner burning, domestic fuel

American Soybean Association applauds Central American Free Trade Agreement

Soybean rust reports from U.S. land grant universities now available on

United Soybean Board and the American Soybean Association establish United States Soybean Export Council

May 05

American Soybean Association applauds U.S. Senate amendment for 8 billion gallon renewable fuels standard

American Soybean Association and Doane Agricultural Services launch SoyRAP to help U.S. growers combat soybean rust

Dispelling the Myths: the real facts about agricultural biotechnology and biotech food

U.S. farmer leaders recognize planting of one-billionth biotech acre

April 05

American Soybean Association advises U.S. Congress that more needs to be done to prepare for soybean rust

American Soybean Association applauds USDA coordinated framework for soybean rust monitoring

American Soybean Association welcomes United States House of Representatives legislation for a renewable fuels standard

New U.S. Soybean Export Council holds inaugural meeting

March 05

American Soybean Association and the United Soybean Board announce memorandum of understanding with Paraguayan Chamber Of Cereal & Oilseeds Exporters and the Paraguayan Soybean, Oilseeds and Cereals Producers Association

February 05

American Soybean Association voting delegates set policy direction for 2005-2006

January 05

American Soybean Association applauds preferred procurement program for biobased products for U.S. federal agencies

December 04

American Soybean Association offers 2005 Winter Soybean Rust Seminars

November 04

Plant pathologists with the American Phytopathological Society offer soybean rust identification and management tips

American Soybean Association alerts growers to confirmation of Asian Soybean Rust in the United States

August 04

American Soybean Association and Pioneer seeking applicants for the 2005 Young Leader Program

American Soybean Association alerted to discovery of soybean rust north of the equator

May 04

ASA calls for national strategy to control and mitigate potential impact of Asian rust

ASA applauds signing of the Central American Free Trade Agreement

ASA to inform growers through a series of soybean rust education meetings

ASA to inform growers through series of soybean rust education meetings

ASA outlines essential strategies for expanding U.S. soy exports

March 04

American Soybean Association responds to APHIS comment period on rust risk assessment

American Soybean Association voting delegates set policy direction for 2004-2005

QUALISOY unites industry to give U.S. soybean farmers competitive advantage

American Soybean Association welcomes conclusion of Free Trade Agreement with Morocco

February 04

American Soybean Association calls outcome of Biosafety Protocol a needless burden on commodity exports, potentially disastrous for science-based food safety

American Soybean Association welcomes APHIS scientific review of risks of soybean rust, but key knowledge gaps remain

ASA welcomes final safety certification of Roundup Ready event in China

ASA says soybean rust risk assessment must be completed before soybean imports are considered

January 04

ASA urges growers to learn the facts about soybean rust

ASA conference tackles rust and the risk of soy imports

December 03

ASA signs soybean cooperation agreement with China

Soybean checkoff meetings explain why quality counts

September 03

American Soybean Association members view Brazilian decree on biotech planting as incomplete

July 03

American Soybean Association frustrated by EU biotech rules that will negatively impact consumers

May 03

American Soybean Association continues work to protect U.S. from soybean rust

American Soybean Association urges adoption of royalty system for Brazilian exports containing pirated soy

April 03

American Soybean Association urges greater safeguards to protect the U.S. from soybean rust disease

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