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CropBiotech Update
August 09

Dr. Wang Jingling of Northeast Agricultural University, China awarded the World Soybean Conference Prize

July 09

Philippines' National Academy of Science awards biotech plant breeders

June 09

India boosts import for R&D of transgenic crops

ISAAA publishes "Biotech Crops in India: The Dawn of a New Era"

Nigeria approves confined field trial of insect resistant transgenic cowpea

May 09

Indonesian scientists develop insect resistant soybean

Kenya likely to commercialize Bt cotton by 2011

New website dedicated to Jatropha research and crop improvement

April 09

New species of begomovirus causing tomato leaf curl identified in India

New potato improvement project launched in Kenya

New public-private partnership for hybrid rice in India

International team publishes first SSR based genetic linkage map for cultivated groundnut

March 09

India operationalizes event-based approval mechanism

Aluminum toxicity tolerance breeding in Indonesian soybeans

Leucadendron molecular marker breeding

Uganda to start biotech cotton trials

February 09

The quest for rust-proof wheat

ISAAA Brief 38 on "The Development and Regulation on Bt Brinjal in India (Eggplant/Aubergine)"

Indian scientists develop transgenic chickpea resistant to cowpea aphids
India desarrolla garbanzos resistentes a áfidos

January 09

Field trials of GM rape in Sweden

Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute developing new varieties of rice that are resistant to flood, drought, and high temperatures

European Commission recommend that farmers in 27 EU member states be allowed to grow two new genetically modified corn varieties

Impact of 9 years of Bt maize cultivation on the distribution of maize viruses

The development and regulation of Bt brinjal in India

Bt brinjal, coming soon to India?

December 08

ISAAA Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology releases Pocket K No. 35: Bt Brinjal in India

Dr B.R. Barwale releases his autobiography “My Journey with Seeds and the Development of Indian Seed Industry"

Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Biotechnology Center launches insect-proof biosafety greenhouse

November 08

Root-knot Nematode resistant bell peppers

October 08

Researchers develop calcium-biofortified lettuce lines

September 08

Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Experiences in Communicating Crop Biotechnology

August 08

Biosafety regulations of Asia-Pacific countries

July 08

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Bayer Group discuss cooperation strategy on crop research

Comprehensive web portal on biopesticides

Transgenic rice resistant to rice blast and sheath blight

ICRISAT announces second training course on marker assisted breeding

India joins OECD Seed Certification Schemes program

Workshop on the use of modern molecular breeding techniques in plant breeding held in Nairobi, Kenya

Concerns on the release of GM potato cultivar in South Africa

Burkina Faso becomes third African country to commercialize biotech crops

June 08

India adopts new set of guidelines for GE plants and foods

Mahyco receives seed production approval for Bt Brinjal

May 08

University of Alberta scientists develop nitrogen use efficient rice

India's Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) approves release of an indigenous Bt cotton variety

Regulating transcription regulators for second generation biotech crops

Researchers from China's Oil Crops Research Institute develop transgenic oilseed rape lines resistant to Sclerotinia

April 08

Genomic tools for breeding Japonica rice

GM nitrogen use efficient canola will benefit the environment

Tanzania to develop drought tolerant maize

High salt for selecting transgenic rice

March 08

Improving GMO regulation in Indonesia

Scientists develop transgenic tomatoes with increased resistance to the common cutworm

Brazil wrestles with decision on GM corn, seed patenting

Indonesia develops a genetically engineered rainfed lowland rice cultivar with drought tolerance

February 08

Economic and environmental benefits and costs of transgenic crops in India and Bangladesh

North Africa Biosciences Network (NABNet) to improve barley varieties for North Africa

January 08

India's Department of Biotechnology posts new guidelines for GM crops

Transgenic potatoes with multiple stress tolerance

Heat shock proteins: role in seed germination

December 07

Jumping genes to remove markers from GM plants

Toward sequencing the cotton genome

November 07

Indian Council of Agricultural Research prepares to address climate change in agriculture

West Africa Biosciences Network to improve sorghum breeding in West Africa

DuPont supports Indonesia's rice and corn industry

Bt maize trials harvested in Egypt

October 07

Folate fortified rice by metabolic engineering

September 07

Open Forum on Agricultural Biotechnology opens website on biotech in Africa

GM potatoes with improved freezing tolerance

Marker free GM soybean produced by gene excision

Indian farmers are willing to pay more for Bt eggplant hybrids than for conventional seed

August 07

New maize and wheat varieties to fight hunger in Kenya

Bt maize trials perfom positively in Egypt

Andhra University study: Economics of Bt cotton vs. traditional cotton varieties

United States District Court amends May 2007 judgment on Roundup Ready alfalfa

India approves large scale field trials for Bt brinjal

National Seed Center to be set up in northern Malaysia

July 07

Colombia: Resolución No. 001726 por la cual se autorizan siembras comerciales de algodón con la tecnología conjunta Bollgard II / Roundup Ready Flex® (15985) X (88913) en el Alto Magdalena y Valle del Cauca

Brazilian government organizations collide over biosafety

June 07

Mexican scientists present maize genome sequence

Post graduate distance learning courses on biosafety in plant biotechnology

RNAi-mediated resistance to Bean golden mosaic virus in genetically engineered common bean

Indonesia turns to hybrid varieties for self-sufficiency in rice production

Bt tomato with CRY6A found to be resistant to root-knot nematodes
Tomates Bt podrían ser resistentes a nematodes

May 07

Automation of DNA marker analysis for molecular breeding

Brazil's Biosafety Commission approves biotech maize

53 new Bt cotton hybrids commercially approved in India

Indonesia develops new rice varieties to fight bacterial blight

Supreme Court of India lifts temporary ban on field trials of GM crops

Rice harvest in Africa reaches record high, thanks to Nerica

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University researchers develop new high-yielding, drought resistant rice variety

April 07

Weed to weed transfer of glyphosate resistance

Vietnam tackles GM biosafety regulations

Assessing and designing strategies to strengthen regional plant breeding and associated biotechnology capacity in the Caucasus

Nepali farmers gain more from improved local rice varieties

Chloroplast transformation for improved biosafety in biotech crops

March 07

Researchers argue that cisgenic plants are similar to traditionally-bred plants

GM crops: The first ten years – global socio-economic and environmental impacts

Indian Council of Agricultural Research reconfirms higher yield of Bt cotton

Coexistence between Bt and conventional maize tested in Germany

ICRISAT reintroduces pigeonpea in China

February 07

Russia approves two biotech corn varieties

January 07

Global status of commercialized biotech/GM crops: 2006

Genetic mapping of finger millet

India issues new regulations to protect plant varieties and farmers' rights

December 06

Indonesia to collaborate with China in setting up Hybrid Rice Research Center

New hybrid rice for Malaysia

Argentina bets on biotechnology

November 06

Cultivation of GM potato in the EU - A near possibility

Brazilian gene bank now sixth in the world

October 06

Progress over 20 years of sunflower breeding in central Argentina

Transgenic seed with increased longevity

Duplex screen mesh reduces maize pollen flow

GM tomato good for the heart

Università Politecnica delle Marche offers e-learning master in biosafety in plant biotechnology

Monsanto Argentina offers free online biotech courses

First consignment of Jatropha carcus seeds from India arrives in Namibia, to be used for biodiesel production

September 06

Pollen-mediated gene flow in maize in real situations of coexistence

Bt cotton: Brazilian farmers to use 25% less insecticides

Spain approves eleven new biotech varieties

August 06

Non certified biotech soybeans granted extension for use in 2006/2007 season

Andean farmers ready for GM potato, paper finds

July 06

Study explores gene changes brought by virus in potato

Bt maize in Spain found to improve production by 7.3%

International effort to boost rice production

EMBRAPA distributes improved seeds for semi-arid conditions

Peru's National Institute of Agrarian Research and Extension (INIEA) releases new improved variety of kiwicha, or amaranth grain

Research studies Bt cotton effects on various insect pests

University of Illinois researchers trace soybean aphid resistance trait to a single dominant gene

India adopts event-based approval system for GM crops

June 06

Biotech crops that produce non-GM pollen

ISAAA fact sheet on approved Bt cotton hybrids in India

A comparison of U.S. and Chinese sorghum germplasm for early season cold tolerance

Soybean quantitative trait locus found to back up Bt

May 06

New method for screening cowpea germplasm for resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus

Increased GM planting for France and the Czech Republic

Bioassay developed for wheat crown rot

Changing glucosinates for tailor-made, disease-resistant crops

Less dogmatic approach to the regulation of GURTs proposed in Brazil

National Laboratory for Genomics for Biodiversity to be built in Guanajuato, Mexico

Improved quinoa to help Andean farmers

Imminent threat of stem rust pandemic in wheat

April 06

Biotech cotton on fast lane in Kenya

Africa Maize Stress Project develops maize varieties tolerant to drought, low soil fertility, Striga weed, and endemic pests and diseases

Global actors, markets and rules driving the diffusion of GM crops in developing countries

India introduces new regulations on GM imports

March 06

Selection of potato lines resistant to multiple pathogens

Lack of agreement on tolerance and traceability of GMOs threatens global trade

Novel approach integrates fruit and whole plant analysis in tomato

Translational fusion hybrid Bt genes confer resistance against yellow stem borer in transgenic elite Vietnamese rice cultivars

Engineering tomato for resistance to tomato leaf curl disease using viral rep gene sequences

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University develop rice cultivars with enhanced resistance to sheath blight

Biotechnololgy law approved by the Argentine senate

Method developed for assessing risk of GM cucurbita in Mexico

Food industry feature article forecasts effects of GM rice in China

February 06

Novel approach to fatten up castor beans

New model designed to study soybean

License agreement for the ABSP II’s fruit and shoot borer-resistant eggplant signed at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños

January 06

Biotech info centers launched in Sri Lanka, Pakistan

Transgenic and wild wheat compared

Outcrossing frequencies and distribution of transgenic oilseed rape in the nearest neighborhood

New technique developed to analyze tomato genes

European Commission orders Greece to lift ban on GM corn seed

Ancient genetic tricks shape up wheat - Turning back the evolutionary clock offers better crops for dry regions

December 05

New marker reported for transforming durum wheat

Improved New Mexico cotton assessed

Expanding the Pool of PCR-Based Markers for Oat

Quarterly update on China's ag-biotech scene now available

Risk assessed among wheat production systems

The Philippines gains from hybrid rice commercialization program

Glyphosate inhibits rust diseases in glyphosate-resistant wheat and soybean

November 05

Plant Physiology paper documents plant-derived transfer DNA

Research finds aphid resistance in Chinese soybean cultivars

European initiative to help develop biotech

Elicitation of defense related enzymes and resistance by L-methionine in pearl millet against downy mildew disease caused by Sclerospora graminicola

Employing a composite gene-flow index to numerically quantify a crop's potential for gene flow: an Irish perspective

Thailand's largest agricultural corporation calls for field trials of GM corn for animal feed

October 05

South Africa authorizes new Bt cotton variety with stacked genes for insect and herbicide resistance

Resistance gene for potato late blight mapped

Barley gives salt tolerance to GM oat

September 05

High level expression of maize c-zein protein in transgenic soybean

Development of transgenic alfalfa plants containing the foot and mouth disease virus structural polyprotein gene P1 and its utilization as an experimental immunogen

Changes in Cry1Ac Bt transgenic cotton in response to two environmental factors: temperature and insect damage

Why does salinity pose such a difficult problem for plant breeders?

Bt basmati rice field tested in Pakistan

KARI and CIMMYT set to repeat the confined field trial for Bt maize

Brassica gene improves stress tolerance in Chinese cabbage

Transgenic alfalfa produces isoflavones

August 05

Workshop report details sorghum genome research

Challenges of agro-biotechnologies, intellectual property rights and globalization

The Philippines approves fourth biotech corn

July 05

African Molecular Marker Applications Network (AMMANET) discusses use of Marker Assisted Selection to improve crops

Comparison of tuber proteomes of potato varieties, landraces, and GM lines

Suppressed gene delays tomato ripening

Imidazolinone-resistant maize to be launched in Kenya

June 05

New outlook is good for plants as fuel

May 05

Study explores Intellectual Property Rights experiences of developing countries

New hybrid maize fights weed in Kenya

The Philippines to plant second biotech maize

April 05

New information package: 'Molecular Breeding and Marker Assisted Selection'

Management of high yielding canola cultivars

Research proposes new regulatory requirements for GM

March 05

Vietnam to boost biotechnology efforts

February 05

Traduction françaises de publications de l'ISAAA

Ten Asian countries form Federation of Asian Biotech Associations to promote biotechnology in the region

Asia holds the key to the future of GM food, says YaleGlobal

Exploitation of research tools in plant biotechnology: Access through application of the experimental use exception

A NAC Domain Protein Interacts with Tomato leaf curl virus Replication Accessory Protein and Enhances Viral Replication

Marker assisted breeding leads to new downy mildew resistant pearl millet hybrid

Beijing Institute of Genomics releases near complete genome analysis of the indica and japonica subspecies of Oryza sativa

January 05

New marker found for nematode resistant wheat

Putting GM Technologies to Work: Public Research Pipelines in Selected African Countries

New strategies proposed for insect resistance management (IRM) and integrated pest management (IPM) in transgenic crops

New database on plant biotech projects

India's Patents Act amended


September 15, 2007

Bahasa Indonesia
November 29, 2007

August 3, 2007

May 18, 2007

November 2007

(thru Ibercaja website)

October 12, 2007


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