Senesco's technology delays browning in lettuce

New Brunswick, New Jersey
May 6, 2003

Senesco Technologies, Inc. ("Senesco" or the "Company") (AMEX: SNT) and its partner Harris Moran Seed Company announced today that they have reduced and delayed browning in cut lettuce using proprietary technology that slows the onset of cell death. This exclusive technology developed by Senesco was applied to iceberg and romaine lettuce, the most popular types in prepackaged salads. In field trials, both types of lettuce browned less, due to Senesco's proprietary gene technology which delays plant cell death, or senescence.

Bruce Galton, President and CEO of Senesco, explained the impact of delayed browning on the burgeoning packaged salad market, "Bagged salad sales exceeded $2 billion last year in the U.S. We believe that our technology, along with Harris Moran's expertise in developing seed varieties, will yield superior products that brown less."

Senesco's technology controls and limits the senescence by modulating the signals that trigger plant deterioration. This can ensure better product quality by reducing the damage caused by environmental stress, harvest, and handling. Senesco's technology yields these results without the addition of any foreign genetic material.

Along with less browning, the technology could lead to a wider variety of products within the bagged salad industry, according to Bill Murray, Harris Moran's lettuce product manager. "Controlling senescence could allow lettuce varieties that aren't currently marketed in the same bag to be more compatible -- that is, they wouldn't break down and brown so quickly when packed together. This new marketing flexibility could lead to different mixes, different colors, and new and different products," said Mr. Murray.

Further down the road, Murray believes that the technology could yield benefits to growers as well. Mr. Murray added, "This technology could mean a variety would require less water, less inputs, and more yield potential. New and improved products for both the grower and the consumer are our goals."

Harris Moran Seed Company is part of the largest independently owned seed company in the world. It is owned by Groupe Limagrain, a cooperative owned, run, and operated by farmers. Harris Moran breeds innovative vegetable varieties designed to boost yield, reduce chemical inputs, and increase freshness, flavor and fruit quality from plow to plate. The Modesto, CA-based Company breeds vegetables for markets in more than 65 countries.

Senesco takes its name from the scientific term for the aging of plant cells: senescence. The Company has developed technology that regulates the onset of cell death. Delaying cell breakdown in plants extends freshness after harvesting, while increasing crop yields, plant size and resistance to environmental stress for flowers, fruits and vegetables. The Company believes that its technology can be used to develop superior strains of crops without any modification other than delaying natural plant senescence. Senesco has begun to explore ways to trigger or delay cell death in mammals (apoptosis) to determine if the technology is applicable in human medicine. Accelerating apoptosis may have applications to development of cancer treatments. Delaying apoptosis may have applications to certain diseases such as Alzheimer's, glaucoma, ischemia and arthritis, among others. Senesco partners with leading-edge companies and earns research and development fees for applying its gene-regulating platform technology to enhance its partners' products. Senesco is headquartered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and utilizes research laboratories at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada and the University of Colorado in Denver, Colorado.

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