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Top performing wheats for Western Australia
South Perth, Western Australia
April 29, 2004

An analysis of the Department of Agriculture’s Crop Variety trials for 2003 has shown Westonia and Wyalkatchem as the highest yielding varieties in Western Australia.

The analysis was conducted by the Department’s senior research biometrician Peter Clarke.

Senior wheat breeder Robin Wilson said the results highlighted the potential of four advanced crossbreds which were the highest yielding wheats in more than 25 trials across the State, performing better than Westonia and Wyalkatchem.

Mr Wilson said of the named varieties, Wyalkatchem was equal top in South Australia, and clearly the highest yielding in the Victorian Mallee in 2003. 

“Wyalkatchem has been the highest yielding wheat in Western Australia for the past six years,” he said.

“EGA Bonnie Rock was the highest yielding of the Australian Hard (AH) wheats overall, and the highest in north and eastern wheatbelt of Agzone 4. 

“Also yielding well across the State were GBA Ruby, EGA Blanco and the advanced line WAWHT2499.”

Mr Wilson said the lower leaf disease levels would undoubtedly have influenced the results in 2003, but they were similar to the long-term results. 

He said none of the highest yielding group of varieties were fully rust resistant.  Some fungicide usage might be needed for stem rust on Wyalkatchem, stripe rust for EGA Bonnie Rock and leaf rust for GBA Ruby. 

“Wyalkatchem is the best of the varieties eligible for the Australian Premium White (APW) grade.  It is better than Westonia for both stripe and leaf rust, but is stem rust susceptible,” Mr Wilson said.

The top nine wheats were varieties or advanced crossbreds from Enterprise Grains Australia (EGA); the joint venture involving the Department of Agriculture Western Australia, Department of Primary Industries Queensland, New South Wales Agriculture and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

“These wheats were generally in the top nine in all Agzones except Agzone six (the south coast).  GBA Sapphire and Lang were specifically adapted for the south coast,” Mr Wilson said. 

“EGA Castle Rock was similar to Cascades as expected.

“Interstate wheats that were widely trialled were Yitpi, Mira, Mitre, Kukri and Chara.  All failed to perform in this season and in previous trials.” 

Mr Wilson said the trials not only demonstrated the yield potential of the APW wheat Wyalkatchem and the AH wheat EGA Bonnie Rock, but also highlighted advanced lines with even greater yield potential in the EGA wheat breeding program – Western node.

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