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Western Australia lupin taskforce examines crucial issues
South Perth, Western Australia
March 21, 2006

A lupin taskforce has been formed to examine crucial issues confronting the future of the crop. 

The Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, in partnership with Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), has established the group.

The taskforce is chaired by Chris Henderson, Grain Grower from Lake Varley, and is made up of growers and leading agribusiness experts with knowledge and expertise in lupin production, marketing and end-use. 

“The reason for the taskforce is that the crop has become less profitable for many growers, particularly in the lower rainfall areas,” said Mark Sweetingham, leader of the Lupin Program at the Department of Agriculture. 

“Sorting out the key factors contributing to lower profitability and working out what research and development is needed to turn the situation around is a complex task but it is imperative to take the lupin industry to a new level,” said Dr Sweetingham. 

“The substantial investment of GRDC and the Department in breeding, agronomy and end-use research must be better integrated and focussed to deliver real industry outcomes.

“A range of research partners including universities, the CSIRO and private sector and research joint ventures such as the Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture and the Grain Foods Cooperative Research Centre can make important contributions to industry success,” said Dr Sweetingham. 

Lupins are the biggest grain legume crop in Australia but production in WA has declined significantly since the 1.6M tonne peak in 1999/00. 

The 2005 lupin crop, sown on about 750,000 ha, fixed the equivalent of $100m worth of nitrogen fertiliser.  Lupins in the rotation also provide a disease break, improving the efficiency of nutrient use and reducing the need for fungicides in cereals.

“The industry group is focussing its attention on identifying research needs and issues that can make a difference” said taskforce chair Mr Henderson.

“Taskforce members have diverse knowledge and skills and will ensure researchers focus on the critical issues.”

“Weed management and increasing the value of the lupin grain are high priorities currently under review

“Many farmers focus on short term profits and consequently legume crops are being grown less frequently in the rotation. However with the high costs of nitrogen fertilisers and the ever-increasing levels of disease there will be a major negative impact on the longer term profitability of multiple cereal crops,” said Mr Henderson. 

“A break crop such as lupins is integral to successful long-term cereal production, and we need to maintain our ability to achieve this with lupins,” said Ralph Burnett, an agricultural consultant, who is the GRDC Western Panel member on the Taskforce. 

“In addition, lupin grain and stubbles remain an important source of feed on many mixed cropping and livestock farms.”

“With some very promising new aquaculture and food uses emerging for lupins it is particularly frustrating to see production declining at a time we need to ensure buyer confidence in lupin supply,” said taskforce member Mr Mark Tucek from CBH Ltd.

The taskforce met in Wongan Hills recently to convene a weed control in lupin forum and recommended the release of a new high protein lupin variety at a meeting in Perth last week. 

Input is invited from lupin growers, agribusiness consultants and lupin users regarding priorities for research and impediments to lupin profitability.

Contributions to the taskforce should be forwarded to Mark Sweetingham at fax 3968 2958 or by e-mail.

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