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ProMED-mail: Fungus responsible for Africa's deadly maize identified / Biological control of aflatoxin contamination in maize in Africa


AA ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: May 2, 2007

[1] Fungus responsible for Africa's deadly maize identified
Date: Thu 26 Apr 2007
Source: United States Department of Agriculture, ARS News Service [edited] <>

It's now clear that a poisonous strain of the fungus _Aspergillus flavus_, known as the "S" strain, is to blame for causing 125 food-related deaths in Kenya in 2004, according to research by an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant pathologist and his colleagues. The fungus, which produces invisible toxins that are known to be carcinogenic, had contaminated portions of the country's maize crop. This is the 3rd time since 1981 that the so-called "Kenyan death fungus" has tainted the African nation's primary food staple with deadly levels of poisons.

Peter Cotty, an ARS scientist based in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and Claudia Probst, of the University of Arizona, worked with Henry Njapau of the Food and Drug Administration in College Park, MD, to investigate which Aspergillus strain was the culprit. Cotty is administratively part of the ARS Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, LA.

The scientists' findings, reported in the current issue of _Applied and Environmental Microbiology_, will be critical to researchers who are trying to devise methods for preventing future cases of fungal poisoning, or aflatoxicosis, in African maize. Aflatoxins are natural poisons produced by certain fungi that belong to the genus Aspergillus. Health consequences related to consuming aflatoxin-contaminated foods include impaired growth, cancer and death.

These toxins can contaminate an array of crops including corn, cottonseed, peanuts and tree nuts. To ensure public safety, many countries, including the United States, have established maximum allowable levels for aflatoxin in farm products. Unfortunately, these standards do little to reduce the ingestion of locally grown, fungus-infested crops in small rural communities in Africa.

Through a special permit, the researchers were able to obtain samples of contaminated maize from affected Kenyan villages. After grinding the corn, they isolated the fungi and grew them in culture.
Surprisingly, they found the "S" strain of _A. flavus_, a potent aflatoxin producer not previously known in Africa, to be the most prevalent source of toxins in the maize.

[Byline: Erin Peabody]

Communicated by:
Dick Hamilton
Former ProMED-mail plant disease moderator
471 Foxglove Crescent
Richmond, BC
Canada, V7C 2K4


[2] Biological control of aflatoxin contamination in maize in Africa
Date: October 2005
Source: Proceedings, Conference on International Agricultural Research for Development, Stuttgart-Hohenheim Oct 2005 <>

Aflatoxin contamination of maize, the major cereal in African diets, is a major risk for health and well being of African people, primarily children. Aflatoxin-producing fungi _Aspergillus flavus_ and _A. parasiticus_ can infect grains from pre-harvest stages in the field through to post-harvest stages in the stores. Based on past work by IITA [International Institute of Tropical Agriculture] and our collaborators, several pre- and post-harvest strategies are being tested to reduce risk of aflatoxin contamination. One of the management strategies being developed is biological control using the competitive exclusion mechanism, which has been successfully implemented on cottonseed in Arizona. Natural population of _A. flavus_ consists of toxigenic strains that produce copious amount of aflatoxin and atoxigenic strains that lack the capacity to produce aflatoxin. In the competitive exclusion mechanism, introduced atoxigenic strains out compete and exclude toxigenic strains from colonizing grains thereby reducing aflatoxin production in contaminated grains. We have collected more than 4200 isolates of _A. flavus_ from different agroecozones in Nigeria to identify atoxigenic strains. Until now, we have identified about 50 candidate atoxigenic strains out of 1500 strains screened so far. Tests under field conditions have been conducted on 24 of these atoxigenic isolates in Ibadan, Nigeria, to identify a few effective strains that can exclude toxigenic strains. These atoxigenic strains are being evaluated for a set of selection criteria to further narrow down the numbers to a few for further use in biocontrol field experiments.

One of the important selection criteria will ensure that the candidate atoxigenic strains belong to unique vegetative compatibility groups (for which testers have been developed) that are unable to produce toxigenic progenies in the natural environment. Propensity to multiply, colonize and survive are other selection criteria to make sure that few reapplications will be required once the atoxigenic strains are introduced in the environment.
Environmental safety of most promising atoxigenics would be also evaluated. Research to develop atoxigenic strains is resource intensive and will further require downstream development activities. Nevertheless, biological control holds promise of offering a long-term solution for reducing aflatoxin contamination in maize.

[Byline: Bandyopadhyay, et al.]

Full paper is available at:

Maps of Kenya are at:
<click HERE

Communicated by:
Dick Hamilton
Former ProMED-mail plant disease moderator
471 Foxglove Crescent
Richmond, BC
Canada, V7C 2K4

[The major aflatoxins of concern are designated B1, B2, G1, and G2. These toxins are usually found together in various foods and feeds in various proportions; however, aflatoxin B1 is usually predominant and is the most toxic. Aflatoxin M is a major metabolic product of aflatoxin B1 in animals and is usually excreted in the milk and urine of dairy cattle and other mammalian species that have consumed aflatoxin-contaminated food or feed.

The toxicity can be influenced by environmental factors, exposure level, and duration of exposure, age, health, and nutritional status of diet. Aflatoxin B1 is a very potent carcinogen in many species, including nonhuman primates, birds, fish, and rodents. In each species, the liver is the primary target organ of acute injury. Metabolism plays a major role in determining the toxicity of aflatoxin B1.

Animal species respond differently in their susceptibility to the chronic and acute toxicity of aflatoxins. Trout are often regarded as the most sensitive. Clinical signs in animals, other than aquatic animals, range from lethargy, anorexia, jaundice, and death. Removal of the affected foodstuffs usually results in a return to normal as aflatoxin is excreted fairly rapidly from the body. Of course, the length of time to normalcy depends upon the severity of the affect, the dose ingested and the length of time the ingestion continued. Although aflatoxin has been designated as a carcinogenic compound, cancer from aflatoxin is not seen in domestic animals because the
life span is too short.

Portions of this comment were extracted from < >- Mod.TG]

[Thank you also to Prof A. Dodds who alerted us to the same finding.
_Aspergillus_ spp. are cosmopolitan, ubiquitous pathogens of plants, animals and humans of great economic importance. _A. flavus_ is mainly a saprophyte degrading dead tissue of any origin, and it is therefore important in nutrient recycling. However, it can also be pathogenic on some plant species affecting for example injured seeds of maize. Spores can be dispersed in soil, by air or carried by insects.

A picture of _A. flavus_ infection on maize kernels is at:

Pictures of fungal structures are at:

The original article for title 1 is Probst et al. 2007, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73, 2762-2764.

Prof Dodd's source of a similar article:
<click HERE>

Information on _Aspergillus_ spp. is at:

Information on _A. flavus_ is at:
- Mod.DHA]

[see also
 in the archive:
Aflatoxin poisoning, fatal - Kenya 20060505.1306
Aflatoxin poisoning, fatal - Kenya 20050514.1324
Aflatoxin poisoning - Kenya (Makueni) (06) 20040903.2460
Aflatoxin poisoning - Kenya (Makuei) (04) 20040607.1532
Aflatoxin poisoning - Kenya (Makueni): susp. 20040514.1306
Food poisoning, children - China (Hunan, Hubei) 20031114.2822
Mycotoxins: a review 20001130.2089
Aflatoxin-producing fungi, resistant crop plants 20000918.1602]





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