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A new specialty crop: orange-fleshed, organic honeydews
Científicos evalúan melones dulces orgánicos con pulpa de color naranja


Washington, DC
November 29, 2007

Orange-fleshed honeydew melons may be a better choice for organic growers than cantaloupe because of the honey dew’s absence of netting, which is known to harbor bacteria that can cause human illness.
Photo by Peggy Greb.

Among the various foods associated with foodborne illness, cantaloupes—or muskmelons—have been implicated in more than 25,000 individual cases in the United States since 1990.

The problem lies in cantaloupes’ rough outer netting, which is known to harbor human-illness pathogens and defy sanitation measures. Microbes can hide in the netting’s crevices, covered by naturally forming biofilms that protect them from sanitizers. When netted melons are cut, any microbes present on the exterior can be transferred to the inner flesh.

For organic melon growers—who use manure as fertilizer—this is a major concern. The organic melon market is a relatively new one, but at its forefront are ARS scientists searching for new ways to solve this food-safety problem.

Plant physiologist Gene Lester, in the Crop Quality and Fruit Insects Research Unit at Weslaco, Texas, leads a team of ARS scientists developing ways to reduce foodborne illness associated with cantaloupe. They suggest that netted cantaloupes be replaced with nonnetted melon genotypes, such as an orange-fleshed honeydew (Cucumis melo, Inodorus group). This kind of melon is a cross between a cantaloupe and a honeydew. The smooth-skinned honeydew types don’t carry the same consumer risk as melons with rough outer netting.

Another benefit of these melons is their nutrient content. Until recently, little has been known about how the health-promoting phytochemicals or antioxidant capacity of orange-fleshed honeydews compare to those of netted cantaloupes. Lester’s collaborations have shown that orange-fleshed melons contain higher amounts of vitamins (C, A, and folic acid), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium), and antioxidants (phenolics and enzymes).

Current work with Earl Harrison, chair of human nutrition at Ohio State University-Columbus and former research leader of the ARS Phytonutrients Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, is comparing the beta-carotene in cantaloupes and orange-fleshed honeydews to that in carrots and sweetpotatoes. It is expected that the beta-carotene in fruit—particularly warm-season fruit like melons—will be better absorbed, or more bioavailable, than that in vegetable crops.  Melons may equal carrots when it comes to exceeding the recommended daily amounts of beta-carotene.

“Orange-fleshed honeydews could easily be marketed as specialty produce in retail supermarkets,” says Lester. “That’s where their superior sweetness, color, taste, and nutritional levels could be capitalized on.” The melons store well, too—around 3 weeks, compared to 10 to 14 days for a typical netted cantaloupe in simulated commercial retail storage.

One cultivar, Orange Dew, is being grown organically in limited quantities in the United States. It has already won out in a taste test with the netted Cruiser cantaloupe because it is sweeter. Orange Dew has a Brix—a measurement of sweetness—of 11 to 14, compared to 9 for most cantaloupes. Sweetness has been shown to be the most important taste factor in repeat purchase of melons.

By Alfredo Flores, Agricultural Research Service Information Staff.

This research is part of Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products, an ARS national program (#306) described on the World Wide Web at

Gene E. Lester is in the USDA-ARS Crop Quality and Fruit Insects Research Unit, 2413 E. Highway 83, Weslaco, TX 78596; phone (956) 447-6322, fax (956) 447-6345.

Científicos evalúan melones dulces orgánicos con pulpa de color naranja

Un grupo de científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) ha evaluado los méritos de algunos melones que combinan los mejores atributos del cantalupo y el melón dulce.

El grupo ha buscado nuevas maneras para resolver la preocupación principal de los cultivadores de los melones tanto orgánicos como convencionales: la seguridad alimentaria, según el fisiólogo de plantas Gene Lester en la Unidad de Investigación de Calidad de Cultivos e Insectos de Fruta, mantenida por ARS en Weslaco, Texas.

Los cantalupos, también conocidos como 'muskmelons' en inglés, a veces han probado positivos para la presencia de las bacterias Salmonella lignieres y Escherichia coli O157:H7. Esto resulta de la capacidad de los microbios perjudiciales para esconderse en la cáscara áspera de la fruta y de este modo escaparse de medidas de sanidad.

Cuando los melones se cortan, los microbios perjudiciales--escondiéndose en grietas en la cáscara y cubiertos con biocapas que forman naturalmente y los protegen contra desinfectantes--pueden ser transferidos a la pulpa interior.

Los investigadores compararon los cantalupos que tienen una superficie áspera--el tipo de melón con pulpa de color naranja y una corteza de color verde oscuro--con un genotipo de melón que ofrece niveles altos de fitonutrientes y una superficie lisa. Ellos descubrieron que los melones con la superficie lisa tienen menos probabilidad de esconder las bacterias.

Los investigadores también están evaluando el sabor de los melones lisos. Un tal melón, llamado 'Orange Dew', está siendo cultivado orgánicamente en cantidades limitadas en EE.UU. En pruebas de sabor, 'Orange Dew' recibió una calificación más alta de la del cantalupo tradicional 'Cruiser'. Esto es porque 'Orange Dew' tiene un valor Brix--una medida de dulzor--de 11 a 14, comparado con un valor Brix de 9 para la mayoría de cantalupos. El dulzor es el factor más importante de sabor en las compras repetidas de melones.

Los melones dulces con pulpa de color naranja también se almacenan bien--hasta aproximadamente tres semanas, comparados con 10 a 14 días para el cantalupo típico en condiciones simuladas de almacenamiento comercial.

Lea más sobre la investigación en la revista 'Agricultural Research' de noviembre/diciembre del 2007:

ARS es la agencia principal de investigaciones científicas del Departamento de Agricultura de EE.UU.



Organic Honeydews!"
was published in the
November/December 2007
issue of
Agricultural Research

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