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Successful launch of climate neutral products with TÜV certification


Berlin, Germany
February 14, 2008

At an international press event on the 9th February, TÜV Nord presented the world's first certificate for compensation of CO2 emissions at the Fruit Logistica trade fair, which was awarded to the Dutch eco-company EOSTA for its organic compost projects.

Volkert Engelsman, founder and managing director of Eosta, describes the project as a decisive milestone on a journey, for which the research work - lasting several decades - of the biochemist and eco-pioneer Ehrenfried Pfeiffer (1899-1961) first paved the way. Based on Pfeiffer's research into compost, the company Soil & More constructs large-scale compost systems around the world, in which plant waste both from the production of organic products and fast-growing alien plants that destroy eco-systems ("alien vegetation") are converted into nutrient-rich humus, instead of rotting away and discharging climate-damaging methane.

Engelsman: "This compost production has several decisive advantages. First of all, the humus-rich compost created can also be used by conventional farmers in place of expensive mineral-based nitrogen fertilisers produced using large amounts of energy; secondly, the farmers can also sell the compost to third parties and, thirdly, they generate additional income from emission allowances created by the project in compliance with the climate guidelines of the United Nations."

Moreover, Eosta can ultimately purchase the emissions allowances generated in this way and thus offer the products distributed in Europe in a climate-neutral way and with transparent communication provided by Nature & More. "For example, one kilogramme of apples from Argentina produces approx. 1.55 kilogrammes of CO2," is how Tobias Bandel from Soil & More explains his research findings. Eric Krupp from TÜV Nord adds that "for our verification and certification it is important that all factors are taken into consideration, including tractor design, irrigation, storage, refrigeration, transport by ship and truck, processing and packaging, including packaging materials, and finally delivery to retail outlets."

Products bearing the new "Nature & More Climate Neutral Product" Label were presented at the Fruit Logistica fresh product fair in Berlin and were greeted with major interest by experts, the food retail sector and the press, according to Volkert Engelsman.

Initially, apples from Argentina, oranges from Egypt and vine tomatoes from the Netherlands are set to appear on the market bearing the Nature & More climate logo. The aim is to make the entire product range of the Eosta company climate neutral, as soon as the compost production of Soil & More is able to respond to the booming demand. This is anticipated for the end of 2008.

The Egyptian Minister of Agriculture Amin Abaza, who energetically supports the project in his country, was so moved that he invited the representatives of Eosta, Nature & More and Soil & More to visit him and, in a symbolic gesture, presented the boss of one of Germany's largest supermarket chains with the first climate-neutral oranges.





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