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EnviroLogix launches QualiPlate Kit for LMV: greater productivity and data quality for plant testing labs


Portland, Maine
September 25, 2007

EnviroLogix, a leader in the development and manufacture of diagnostic test kits for GMOs and plant pathogens, has released the QualiPlate for Lettuce Mosaic Virus (LMV). This test simplifies the LMV testing process enabling analysis labs to deliver test results faster and with greater data consistency and integrity.

The “ready-coated” QualiPlate™ takes only two hours to perform compared with other LMV tests kits. The increased productivity and throughput allowed by the faster test time of the EnviroLogix QualiPlate for LMV will enable labs to test more plates during very time critical periods.

The key behind the EnviroLogix QualiPlate for LMV is that the plates are pre-coated by EnviroLogix in their production lab to precise standards. This ensures uniformity of plate preparation and provides the users the convenience of not having to coat plates in advance of running the test.

“The QualiPlate is pre-coated and quality tested in our lab, which is a real advantage for customers in the time sensitive process of high volume testing,” said Karen McGuire, Horticultural Diagnostics Lead at EnviroLogix. “Our goal in developing the QualiPlate for LMV was to give labs a tool to decrease testing time and to increase the consistency of results.”

German Hoyos, PhD, Senior Scientist for Plant Pathogens at EnviroLogix suggested that “our precision manufacturing equipment ensures greater control of the test preparation for improved accuracy and precision, and more consistent data quality.” Independent studies of the QualiPlate’s performance supports this proposition.

The QualiPlate Kit for LMV is available individually or in sets of 10 plates or 50 plates. All reagents are included in the kit. Labs interested in using the QualiPlate kit in large numbers should contact EnviroLogix for a price quote.

The QualiPlate Kit for LMV is part of a growing line of plant pathogen diagnostics from EnviroLogix. Over the past year, the company has built on its reputation in developing antibodies, test technologies and diagnostic test kits for a variety of GM traits, by introducing rapid tests for soybean rust, Bacterial Fruit Blotch and Botrytis. According to Bruce Ferguson, President of EnviroLogix, there will be additional products released this fall. “We are committed to developing other plant pathogen diagnostic and GM trait identification tests in a variety of formats to serve the needs of seed companies, agricultural companies, growers and distributors,” he said.

About LMV
Lettuce Mosaic Virus (LMV) is a potyvirus disease of solanaceous plants, in particular lettuce, with considerable worldwide economic impact. LMV is seed-borne in all lettuce types; however, aphids can efficiently transmit the virus contributing to the secondary spread of LMV. The primary host of LMV is all lettuce types, escarole, endive, as well as pea, sweet pea and marigolds. The long list of host plants and the globalization of seed distribution contributed to the spread of this virus to virtually every country where lettuce is grown. Seed-borne infected plants show mosaic and stunting and will never develop marketable heads. Later infections (secondary spread) could result in mosaic, leaf puckering, and deep or accentuated serration of the leaf margins. It may be difficult to diagnosis this disease in the field due to the presence of other viruses on the plants.





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