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Caution urged for Queensland potato growers following Victoria outbreak of potato cyst nematode


A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <>

Date: 10 November 2008
Source: North Queensland Register [edited] <>

Caution urged for Queensland potato growers following Victoria outbreak

Queensland potato growers are being urged to look out for signs of disease in their potato crops after the devastating pest potato cyst nematode [PCN] was detected on a property near Thorpdale in Victoria's Gippsland region [ProMED-mail post no. 20081021.3334].
Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries [DPI&F] General Manager of Plant Biosecurity, Neil O'Brien said growers should contact the department if they spot anything unusual in their crops.

"The recent announcement of the Victorian Department of Primary Industries about the discovery of PCN has prompted us to urge Queensland potato growers to be vigilant," Mr O'Brien said.
"Currently, there is no evidence of PCN in Queensland. However, PCN has had a big impact on the Victorian and Western Australian potato industry and has the potential to spread to Queensland if we're not careful. PCN could have a devastating impact on not only our potato industry, but our nursery industry too. I urge all Queensland growers to ensure they are not bringing in contaminated seed potatoes," he said. "While entry restrictions play an important role in protecting Queensland, industry and local growers still need to remain vigilant and always check and double check the health and quality of the goods they are receiving."

Mr O'Brien said it takes about 6 to 7 years from the time PCN is introduced into an area before the nematode reaches a detectable level. During this time the nematode can spread throughout the crop and to other properties. PCN can reduce yields by as much as 90 percent, proving to be a force to be reckoned with.

Communicated by:

[Both golden (_Globodera rostochiensis_, with at least 5 races) and pale (_G. pallida_) cyst nematodes cause serious crop losses in potato. They can also infect other solanaceous crops and weeds, and cysts containing viable eggs can survive in the soil for up to 20 years. Disease management includes exclusion and crop rotation with non-host species. Race identification is important for the use of resistant crop cultivars. For more information on the PCNs please see previous ProMED-mail report no. 20080714.2138.

Evidence to date suggests that only race 1 of the golden nematode is present in Australia, and this species has been found previously in Victoria. It is therefore more likely that this is the pathogen involved in the recent outbreak. Extensive surveys are being conducted in Victoria in response to the PCN detection to determine pathogen spread, and a 20 km (12.4 mi) quarantine zone was placed around the initial detection site restricting movement and cutting off all trade with the rest of the country.

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Worldwide distribution of golden PCN (July 2008):
Worldwide distribution of pale PCN (July 2008):

Symptoms of golden nematode on potato plants:
Golden and pale PCN cysts:

News story on PCN counter-measures in Victoria:
Information on _G. rostochiensis_:
Data sheets on both potato cyst nematodes:
<>,  and <>
Diagnostic techniques for both nematodes:
- Mod.DHA]

[see also in the archive:
Cyst nematode, potato - Australia: (VIC) 20081021.3334 Cyst nematodes, potato - Russia: (Chelyabinsk) 20080714.2138
Golden cyst nematode, potato - Canada (02) 20071227.4153 Golden cyst nematode, potato - Canada: (AB) 20071121.3759 Pale cyst nematode, potato - US (ID): quarantine update 20070418.1282
Pale cyst nematode, potato - USA (04): quarantine measures 20060915.2607 Golden nematode, potato - Canada (QC)(02): USA response 20060821.2356 Golden nematode, potato - Canada (QC): 1st Report 20060816.2295 Pale cyst nematode, potato - USA (03): 2nd report 20060805.2161 Pale cyst nematode, potato - USA (02) 20060615.1657 Pale cyst nematode, potato - USA: 1st report 20060423.1195 Cyst nematodes, potato, soybean - USA (NY, IL): new strains 20060413.1092
Potato cyst nematodes - Russia (Kurgan) 20050809.2322 Potato cyst nematodes, Russia (Altai Region) 20050707.1921 and older items in the archives]





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