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Syngenta and Dow AgroSciences agree to cross license corn traits
Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences vereinbaren gegenseitige Lizenzierung von Mais-Traits


Indianapolis, Indiana, USA and Basel, Switzerland
April 1, 2009

Syngenta and Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, today announced an agreement to cross license their respective corn traits for commercialization within their branded seed businesses. The agreement will allow both companies to maximize the value of their technologies and to bring greater choice and flexibility to growers.

Under the terms of the agreement, Syngenta will receive global non-exclusive licenses, with stacking rights, to Dow AgroSciences’ Herculex® I Insect Protection for broad lepidopteran control and to Herculex® RW for corn rootworm control.

Additionally, Dow AgroSciences will receive global non-exclusive licenses with stacking rights to Syngenta’s Agrisure® GT trait for glyphosate tolerance, and to its insect control traits Agrisure® CB/LL for corn borer and Agrisure® RW for corn rootworm. The licenses also include access to Syngenta’s Agrisure Viptera™ trait for broad lepidoptera and to a second generation trait for corn rootworm control.

Davor Pisk, Chief Operating Officer of Syngenta Seeds, said, “We are very pleased to have reached this agreement which significantly expands the options available to growers while further demonstrating the value of our proprietary technology. The combination of Herculex® Insect Protection traits with our Agrisure® portfolio represents a major advance in insect control. From 2011 we plan to offer our U.S. customers multiple modes of action targeting refuge reduction and improved efficacy.”

Jerome Peribere, President and CEO of Dow AgroSciences, said,
“With the combination of technologies, corn growers will benefit from increased flexibility through their preferred trait platforms, and we continue to be pleased that growers find the industry-leading Herculex® technology to be a valuable option to increase productivity due to improved pest protection.”

Financial terms of the agreement have not been disclosed.

Syngenta is one of the world's leading companies with more than 24,000 employees in over 90 countries dedicated to our purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. Through world-class science, global reach and commitment to our customers we help to increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve health  and quality of life. For more information about us please go to

Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a top-tier agricultural company that combines the power of science and technology with the "Human Element" to constantly improve what is essential to human progress. Dow AgroSciences provides innovative technologies for crop protection, pest and vegetation management, seeds, traits, and agricultural biotechnology to serve the world's growing population. Global sales for Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, were $4.5 billion in 2008. Learn more at

Herculex® is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC.
Agrisure®, Agrisure Viptera™ and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.
Agrisure Viptera™ is not currently approved for sale or use in the U.S. and is not being offered or promoted for sale. Agrisure Viptera™ will not be available for sale until all necessary regulatory approvals and authorizations have been granted.

Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences vereinbaren gegenseitige Lizenzierung von Mais-Traits

Syngenta und Dow AgroSciences, ein Tochterunternehmen von The Dow Chemical Company, haben heute eine Vereinbarung in ihren Saatgutgeschäften zur gegenseitigen Lizenzierung bestimmter Mais-Traits (Pflanzeneigenschaften) bekannt gegeben. Die Vereinbarung wird beiden Unternehmen ermöglichen, die Wertschöpfung ihrer Technologien zu maximieren und wird den Landwirten eine grössere Auswahl und Flexibilität eröffnen.

Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung erhält Syngenta weltweite, nicht-exklusive Lizenzen mit dem Recht sowohl Dow AgroSciences Herculex® I Insect Protection (zur breiten Kontrolle von Schadschmetterlingen) als auch Herculex® RW (zur Kontrolle des Maiswurzelbohrers) mit anderen Traits zu kombinieren.

Im Gegenzug erhält Dow AgroSciences weltweite, nicht-exklusive Lizenzen mit dem Recht Syngenta Agrisure® GT (zur Glyphosat-Toleranz) sowie Agrisure® CB/LL (gegen den Maiszünsler) und Agrisure® RW (gegen den Maiswurzelbohrer) in Kombination mit anderen Traits zu verwenden. Die Lizenzen umfassen auch den Zugang zu Syngenta Agrisure Viptera™ (zur breiten Kontrolle von Schadschmetterlingen) und zu einer Technologie der zweiten Generation zur Kontrolle des Maiswurzelbohrers.

Davor Pisk, Chief Operating Officer von Syngenta Seeds, sagte: „Wir sind sehr erfreut über diese Vereinbarung. Sie ermöglicht uns, unser Angebot für Landwirte deutlich auszubauen und belegt gleichzeitig den Wert unserer eigenen Technologien. Die Kombination von Herculex® Insect Protection-Traits mit unserem Agrisure®-Portfolio eröffnet grosse Vorteile bei der Insektenkontrolle. Ab 2011 planen wir, unseren Kunden in den USA verschiedene Wirkungsweisen anzubieten, die kleinere Ausweichflächen erfordern und eine verbesserte Effizienz aufweisen.“

Jerome Peribere, President und CEO von Dow AgroSciences, sagte: „Die Kombination der Technologien ermöglicht Landwirten, die Mais anbauen, eine grössere Flexibilität mit einem Angebot ihrer bevorzugten Traits. Wir freuen uns, dass Landwirte in der führenden Herculex®-Technologie eine gute Möglichkeit sehen, ihre Produktivität durch eine verbesserte Insektenkontrolle zu erhöhen.”

Finanzielle Einzelheiten der Vereinbarung wurden nicht bekannt gegeben.

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For Syngenta, this will mean the ability to offer hybrids featuring multiple modes of action on lepidopteran corn pests including European corn borer, corn earworm, Western bean cutworm, black cutworm, fall armyworm, stalk borer, sugarcane borer and damaging corn rootworm pests. Pending all regulatory and key import market approvals, Syngenta anticipates that hybrids containing both Agrisure and Herculex events will be available for planting in 2011.

David Morgan, President of Syngenta Seeds, Inc., said: “This pro-grower, pro-competition agreement represents a major advance in insect control and choice for growers while further demonstrating the value of our proprietary technology. Herculex will complement our industry-leading Agrisure portfolio. Together with Syngenta Crop Protection and Seed Care technologies, we will be able to offer growers diverse choice for insect control while developing reduced-refuge product concepts designed for use throughout the U.S. Corn Belt.”

Pending Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval, the agreement paves the way for the industry’s first reduced-refuge stack in Midwestern corn featuring a combination of functionally and structurally different proteins: Cry proteins (Agrisure CB/LL, Herculex I) and a Vip protein (the Agrisure VipteraTM event). The EPA recently recognized this technology combination by approving a nationwide 20 percent refuge for hybrid stacks containing the Agrisure Viptera event and either the Agrisure 3000GT triple stack or the Agrisure GT/CB/LL stack. This is a reduction from the 50 percent refuge previously required in corn and cotton-growing areas in the Southern United States.

Furthermore, the agreement allows Syngenta to leverage its proven history in technology integration—incorporating multiple traits into elite genetics. “We look forward to applying the same processes we used to create our Agrisure 3000GT high-performance stack to integrate Agrisure and Herculex events into our elite germplasm base,” said Tracy Mader, Agrisure Marketing Manager.


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