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TimPro Timothy - PICKSEED Canada Inc. announces the release of a truly different forage grass

Lindsay, Ontario
May 2,  2001

TimPro timothy is a new variety of this broadly used specie, with a significant difference. TimPro is almost 10% higher in content of Crude Protein than conventional varieties of timothy, is higher in Cell Wall Digestibility and is lower in Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF).

These three levels of improvement mean a grass with higher protein intake and digestibility, right in the feed bunk. TimPro is a high yielding variety - 2½% higher than the checks Richmond and Toro.

As well, TimPro is an early heading variety (11-14 days earlier than Climax), making it ideal for use with modern, multi-cut alfalfa varieties.

TimPro is the product of a joint development program initiated in 1990 by Agriculture Canada at the Ottawa Research Station and PICKSEED. Individual plants were screened through wet chemistry for these improved traits. Synthetics were assembled and then the polycrosses tested for feeding quality and yield.

These improvements represent a significant advance in forage quality to the benefit of livestock producers in the dairy and beef industries.

Certified seed is available in selected products for planting in 2002 from PICKSEED Canada Inc., Lindsay, Ontario.

Company news release


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