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University of Wyoming honors BASF for Outstanding Corporate Partnership

Laramie, Wyoming
September 6,  2001

The University of Wyoming College of Agriculture tonight will honor BASF, one of the world's leading manufacturers of agricultural products, high-value chemicals and dyes, polymers and automotive and industrial coatings.

In recognition of its support for research and extension programs at the University of Wyoming, BASF will receive an award for Outstanding Corporate Partner. Accepting the award will be Daniel Beran, Ph.D., market development specialist for BASF's Vegetation Management Group. The award will be presented by University President Philip Dubois during halftime of the Wyoming-Texas A&M football game in War Memorial Stadium, Laramie, Wyo.

"BASF has been very supportive of the college's research and extension programs over the years," said Steve Miller, Ph.D., of the University of Wyoming Plant Science Department. "For example, they recently helped us purchase an Almaco plot combine for the Torrington Research and Extension Center. This new machinery allows us to harvest crops such as millet, sunflower, corn, sorghum and small grains."

Since 1984, BASF has worked closely with the University of Wyoming to screen and test new crop protection products. Recently tested products include Basagran7(R) herbicide, Paramount7(R) herbicide and Pursuit7(R) herbicide, which are used to control noxious weeds in alfalfa, beans and small grains, as well as Plateau(R) herbicide and Arsenal(R) herbicide, which are used to control noxious and invasive weeds in pasture and range land. College of Agriculture scientists also have cooperated with BASF in field testing their new Clearfield7(R) production system for corn, wheat, and sunflower crops.

John Harden, technical manager for BASF agricultural products in North America, recognizes the importance of working with institutions such as the University of Wyoming. "The land-grant university system is an essential partner in evaluating our products. We gain information that local producers can use to help reduce their production costs," said Harden.

The BASF Agricultural Products business in North America, Specialty Products Department, markets a wide range of innovative products and active ingredients for the forestry, turf, ornamental, pest control and industrial vegetation markets. Its headquarters are in Research Triangle Park, N.C. It is a unit of the BASF Global Agricultural Products Division located in Mount Olive, N.J. BASF Specialty Products Department can also be found on the Internet at

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Basagran7, Paramount7, Pursuit7, Plateau, Arsenal and Clearfield7 are registered trademarks of BASF Corporation.

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