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EPA grants approval to increase Monsanto's YieldGard corn acres in Southerh U.S.
St. Louis, Missouri
Februray 10, 1999

Corn growers, who had been severely restricted in the amount of YieldGard (MON-810) insect-protected corn they could plant in cotton-producing regions of the South, are now able to plant up to 50 percent of their acres with these improved hybrids that protect the corn plant against European corn borer, Southwestern corn borer, and other insects. Monsanto Company received approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to increase the amount of YieldGard insect-protected corn that can be grown in cotton producing regions of the South.

"We are pleased that the EPA was responsive to our petition and the data we submitted,'' said Eric Sachs, YieldGard business director for Monsanto. "Growers in the South have told us they have been extremely frustrated that they have not been given full access to this environmentally responsible technology that will allow them to increase their corn yields. We will continue working to get them more access in 1999.''

Sachs said he is optimistic that the EPA will continue to review data submitted by Monsanto and further lift restrictions in the northern corn-cotton growing regions so that growers can benefit more fully from YieldGard's protection. The EPA had significant input from grower organizations, as well as congressional delegates during their consideration of lifting the limitations on this valuable technology. Also, Monsanto will continue to participate fully in the Insect Resistance Management coalition which consists of Bt corn registrants. This effort is being promoted by the National Corn Growers Association in an effort to introduce an industry wide refuge plan for the year 2000.

YieldGard and other insect-protected corn brands had been restricted in the South because of
concern that a species of insect could develop resistance to the protective gene in the corn. The corn contains a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which protects corn from specific pests, including corn earworm and Fall armyworm. The corn earworm is the same species as the cotton bollworm, a major pest of cotton. In a typical year of corn borer pressure, YieldGard hybrids produce about 7 percent more corn per acre than ordinary corn.

As a life sciences company, Monsanto is committed to finding solutions to the growing global needs for food and health by sharing common forms of science and technology among agriculture, nutrition and health. The company's 30,000 employees worldwide make and market high-value agricultural products, pharmaceuticals and food ingredients.

YieldGarde® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company.



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