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Neogen licenses Monsanto technologies

Lansing, Michigan
April 12,  2001

Neogen Corporation (Nasdaq: NEOG) announced today that it has signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement with Monsanto Company to access proprietary Monsanto technology to develop tests for the rapid detection of genetically enhanced grains. 

The tests, which will also be marketed by Neogen, will allow grain distributors and processors to quickly and easily identify grain developed through Monsanto's agricultural biotechnology. 

"Neogen has a proven history of developing products and programs to ensure purity standards for
agricultural applications," said James Herbert, Neogen's president. "Through this licensing agreement, we believe Neogen is uniquely positioned to help seed producers and grain processors ensure standards of purity effectively and inexpensively." 

Monsanto's development of new methods for plant breeding, and discovery of unique proteins that may be introduced into plants, is leading to crops with higher value for producers and consumers. 

One of the first tests Neogen will produce under the agreement will be a rapid and easy-to-use diagnostic test to detect the presence of the Roundup Ready(R) herbicide resistance trait developed by Monsanto. This herbicide resistance has been incorporated into soybean seed used throughout the world. Soybean varieties with this trait are expected to be a large percentage of this year's total production in the leading soybean producing countries of the United States and Argentina. 

The licensing agreement also includes the development of tests to detect plant proteins developed for corn, cotton and canola. 

Neogen Corporation develops and markets products and services dedicated to food and animal safety. The Company's Food Safety Division markets diagnostic test kits to detect foodborne bacteria, natural toxins, genetic modifications, food allergens, drug residues, plant diseases and sanitation concerns. Neogen's Animal Safety Division markets a complete line of diagnostics, veterinary instruments, veterinary pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements and wound care products. 

Company news release


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