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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launches new pesticides website

Washington, DC, USA
October 7, 2015

EPA’s Pesticides website has a new look, feel, and address. Many of our stakeholders have noticed our gradual move to new versions of our content as part of the larger EPA effort to build a more user-friendly website.  With the new pesticides website, information should now be easier than ever to access, regardless of the type of electronic device you use, including tablets and smartphones. 

With the transition to our new site completed, web page addresses will be different. This may cause links and bookmarks to break and EPA is working to fix any broken links on our website. The majority of the old pesticide pages will redirect to the new web areas, but we encourage you to update your bookmarks.  Our new “Page Not Found” notification will help you find what you are looking for by providing suggested search terms, links to our A-Z index, and other helpful links.

If you have trouble locating information, try using the search feature available on every EPA web page and in the archive (archive.epa.gov).  

Check out the new website at: http://www2.epa.gov/pesticides

To help you find some of our most requested information, below are the updated URLs for some of our most popular web areas:

More news from: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Website: http://www.epa.gov

Published: October 9, 2015

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