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Agronew Trading Co., Ltd.

432, Chung Jeng Road
Fong Yuan Dist.
Taichung City 420

E-mail: agronewc@ms31.hinet.net

Tel: +886 4 2526 8533

Fax: +886 4 2524 2689

Agronew Trading Co., Ltd. deals in agricultural seeds since 1955.  
Importer and exporter of various kinds of seed since 1988.  
Breeding and producing vegetable and papaya varieties.

Product line:

 Field & farm seed
   Alfalfa / Lucerne
   Amarillo forage peanut
   Cowpea / Southern pea
   Digit grass
   Maize / Corn
   Milkvetch / Cicer milkvetch
   Peanut / Groundnut

 Forage & turf seed
   Alfalfa / Lucerne
   Amarillo forage peanut
   Digit grass
   Milkvetch, Chinese

 Herb seed
   Chinese celery
   Chinese chives
   Coriander (cilantro)
   Lemon balm
   Lemon grass
   Sage, garden
   Tah tsai


 Trees & shrubs

 Tropical seed
   Coriander (cilantro)
   Lemon balm

 Vegetable seed
   Azuki bean
   Balsam Pear
   Broccoli Raab
   Brussels Sprouts
   Chinese cabbage, heading (Pe Tsai)
   Chinese cabbage, non heading (Pak Choi)
   Chinese celery
   Chinese kale
   Chinese leek
   Chinese mustard
   Chinese radish
   Chinese spinach
   Cima di Rapa
   Convolvulus (Kangkong)
   Coriander (cilantro)
   Eggplant (Brinjal)
   Leaf mustard
   Malabar spinach
   Peas, garden
   Soybean, edible
   Sweet corn
   Swiss chard

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