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Australian Oilseeds Federation - Soybean and canola crop report June 2006
June 12, 2006

Australian Oilseeds Federation - Crop Report June 2006 (excerpts)

Soybeans 2005/06

This month wraps up the 2005/06 soybean harvest with virtually no change on the previous month. Final production is estimated to be a disappointing 56,000 tonnes. However, there were some positives from the season. Soybeans performed will in the sugar cane areas and this is expected to be a area of continued growth.
In southern NSW and the NSW north coast region, good yields were experienced.

Canola 2006/07

After early expectations that this year would see a good general break, the dry conditions in NSW and other parts of the country have seen planting intentions overalls revised downwards by around 5%. While it is still very early to be estimating yields, we have reduced production estimates by 10%. The next couple of weeks will be critical for the canola crop, with good general rain needed.

New South Wales is the worst affected state, not having seen any sort of break yet and 64% of the state drought declared. In the north, area expectations have been revised down significantly. The crop planted has been sown into moisture from summer rains. The crop has also been revised down significantly for the central region and this has been dry sown. In the south, there is no sub soil moisture and the crop planted has been dry sown except for some pockets of isolated storms. Overall it is estimated that 70+% of the area is sown, however, some of this may be resown with cereals if it does not rain this weekend. The area in the south has not been as badly impacted, with some increase on early planting intentions in the slopes area. There is some presence of insects. Overall, the area has been dropped to 165,000 down from 205,000 hectares last month. Good rain this weekend could see some upside, with the reverse occurring if the dry conditions continue.

Early May rain got the Victorian crop started. Across most of the regions, early sown canola is up and looking good. However, the late planted canola is waiting for further rain to germinate. There has been some insect presence and some spraying. For most of the state, the crop is looking for more rain. The western districts is a bit more favourable and good weed control should assist yield potential. However, with little rain forecast in the next ten days and very cold conditions, there could be some downgrading of the crop.

Most of South Australia is looking reasonable, with only the South East having missed out on rain in recent weeks. Crops in the South East are generally are sitting waiting for more rain to germinate, although they do have some sub soil moisture. Most of the State is looking good, with the crops up and growing. There has been no change to estimates.

The canola crop in Western Australia is approximately 90% sown, with some areas still with a small amount to sow depending on the rainfall situation over coming weeks. Of the crop that is sown, an average of 55% is emerged. The majority of the State could do with some good rain in order to get dry sown crops out of the ground and progress emerged crops. The south coast is looking very good, while the Central and Great Southern regions are patchy and the North appears down on sowings. Estimate on total sown hectares is stable, with some yield reductions now expected in some areas due to the delayed start to the season.

Oilseed WA have released the “Growing Western Canola” booklet and it is now available in hard copy from Oilseeds WA ($11 for AOF members and $27 for non members $27). Contact John Duff 08 9475 0753.

Australian Oilseeds Federation - Crop Report June 2006

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