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February 7, 2025

L'offerta integrata di BASF presentata a Fruit Logistica

En savoir plus sur ce qu’il se passe chez nos voisins néerlandais - Dans cet article, nous vous invitons à explorer le début de la saison de culture des concombres aux Pays-Bas

Deutschland - Top Zuckerrüben Sorten der Saatgutbestellung 2025 im gesamten Pfeifer & Langen Gebiet

United Kingdom - Go-ahead for genetically modified wheat trial (Agronomist & Arable Farmer)

United Kingdom - ACRE advice: application for a field trial of genetically modified wheat (24/R57/01)

India - National Seeds Corporation declares record dividend (Observer Voice)

Namdhari Seeds acquires 100% of the open field vegetable seed business of Axia Vegetable Seeds

NARES and IRRI advance market-driven varieties and accelerate adoption of new rice varieties in Africa

21-day training on stress-tolerant crop breeding at Punjab Agricultural University (The Tribune)

Moisture-responsive root-branching pathways identified in diverse maize breeding germplasm (Science)

Broccoli and cauliflower varieties with adaptability and resistance

Pautas de manejo para preservar la calidad de los granos

Australia - Grower hosts keen to see new varieties in action

FFAR research to protect vegetable crops from invasive pest

Unlocking the value of your farm data

Chicharrita del maíz: un reto creciente para la producción sustentable en Latinoamérica

Bioceres Crop Solutions updates second fiscal quarter 2025 expectations

Embrapa apresenta tecnologias e lançamentos para produção sustentável no Show Rural

Mais präzise säen: Sparen Landwirte damit wirklich teures Saatgut? (Agrar heute)

Heritable Agriculture, a Google spinout, is bringing AI to crop breeding (The Economist)

“Together we’re ensuring that consumers can enjoy Snack Lettuce all year round"
Snack-Salat das ganze Jahr genießen

Where did DLF's 4turf range come from? Meet the breeder behind the vision
D'où viennent nos ray-grass tétraploïdes 4turf® ? Rencontrez le sélectionneur à l'origine de cette innovation

February 6, 2025

New study could lead to development of more drought-resistant corn - As climate change increases droughts, Stanford University researchers have identified a potential way to improve corn resilience

Swasti Reed named SeedWay's Western Business Support/Product Manager

Corn’s ancient ancestors are calling

A lifeline for insects? Wageningen University & Research develops irresistible crops
De redding voor insecten? WUR werkt aan verleidelijke gewassen

Achieving the requirements of different malting barley markets

R4D milestones a boon for agriculture in the Philippines

Run a health check on your grass

IRRI-led consortium advancing direct seeded rice convenes with Phase 3 launch



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