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Tomato brown rugose fruit virus in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org>

Date: Fri 11 Jan 2019
Source: HortiDaily [edited]

Unusual fruit and leaf symptoms were observed in tomatoes in North Rhine-Westphalia. In total, more than 25 ha of greenhouse tomatoes were affected. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) has been confirmed in 7 greenhouses; one further greenhouse is suspected to be infested. It's the 1st report of ToBRFV in Germany. The infested tomato plants were used for tomato fruit production. Eradication measures are in progress.

ToBRFV infects tomato plants and leads to foliar symptoms, including chlorosis mosaic with dark green bulges and narrowing. Fruit symptoms consisted of yellow spots, often concentrated around the calyx with occasional rugose symptoms rendering the fruits non-marketable. The virus can affect up to 100% of a crop.

The available resistance genes in conventional tomato varieties against other tobamoviruses are ineffective against ToBRFV. So far, too little is known about the virus to exclude possible damage on other host plants. The virus can establish in greenhouses [and] outdoors; potential host plants can serve as reservoir for new infections. Because of its high damaging potential for tomato production, ToBRFV poses a significant phytosanitary risk for Germany and other EU member states.


Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>

[Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) was identified as a new member of genus _Tobamovirus_ (type species Tobacco mosaic virus, TMV) in Jordan after a new disease of glasshouse tomatoes occurred there in 2015. Since then, it has been identified in Israel and Mexico (see links below) and has also been reported by national authorities from Italy (Sicily).

Tobamoviruses may be seed transmitted and can also be spread by mechanical means (human and insect activities), as well as with contaminated equipment, or plant or other materials. Volunteer crop plants and solanaceous weed species can serve as pathogen reservoirs.

Disease management relies mainly on exclusion but may include phytosanitation (disinfecting tools, removing crop debris) and control of weed reservoirs. Several tobamoviruses are known to affect tomato, including Tomato mosaic virus and TMV. Use of certified clean seeds or tomato transplants is crucial.

Among the seed-borne viruses, tobamoviruses are currently considered a risk for crop production worldwide due to increasing global seed trade. For some species, seed coat surface sterilisation is effective in preventing transmission to new seedlings, suggesting that these viruses are carried on the outside of seeds. However, for some species such as Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, surface sterilisation of seeds does not seem to prevent transmission, suggesting these viruses may be carried within the endosperm since seed-transmitted tobamoviruses are thought to be absent from embryos. Tomato seeds are traded widely and are known to pose a risk for spreading viruses and other pathogens internationally (e.g., ProMED-mail post http://promedmail.org/post/20140122.2222560), thus work to assess a potential quarantine risk posed by the new ToBRFV is needed.




<http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/europe/germany.jpg> (with states)



ToBRFV symptoms:








Additional news stories (in German):




Information and characterisation of ToBRFV:





<https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/TOBRFV> (with current distribution map), and via <https://www.semanticscholar.org/topic/Tomato-brown-rugose-fruit-virus/3579397>

1st report of tomato brown rugose fruit virus infecting tomato in Germany <https://www.ndrs.org.uk/article.php?id=039001>,




1st report of ToBRFV in Mexico:





Information on genus _Tobamovirus_:




Global risk by seed transmitted tobamoviruses (review):


Virus taxonomy via:


- Mod.DHA

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map:

Germany: <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/101>]


[See Also:



Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, melon - New Zealand ex Australia:

intercept http://promedmail.org/post/20180903.6005465



Crop diseases - Philippines: (Cordilleras region) survey




Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus - Australia: (WA)




Tomato mosaic virus - Israel: (Negev)




Potato spindle tuber viroid, tomato seed: international spread


and additional items on tobamoviruses in the archives] 

More news from: ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases)

Website: http://www.isid.org

Published: January 18, 2019

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