Rigran Comercial e Industrial Químicos Ltda

Rigran Comercial e Industrial Químicos Ltda
Rua Ernesto da Fontoura, 1479/604
90.230-091 Porto Alegre RS
E-mail: rigran@rigran.com.br
Phone: +55 51 33413225
Web: http://www.rigran.com.br

Rigran is a pioneer in the formulation and commercialization of polymers and colored coatings for the treatment of seeds, with an excellent technical and economic performance.

Now there is a new alternative for improving the performance and valorization of seeds for vegetables, flowers, forests, pastures and others.

Rigran has concluded the appropriation of modern European technology for pelletizing, incrusting, film coating and priming.

In addition to the services of seed qualification, we also supply complete units for these treatments, including equipment, aggregate materials and training.

  Visit our web site at: http://www.rigran.com.br

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