NIAB to sit on new GMO panel established by the European Food Safety Authority

May 12, 2003

Dr Jeremy Sweet, Head of NIAB's Environmental Research Group in Cambridge, has been invited to join a new European panel to provide scientific advice on a range of issues concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), including food and biosafety. The Panel on GMOs has been established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in order to give independent scientific advice to the European Commission and Parliament on food safety, biosafety and agro-environmental impact of GMOs.

Dr Sweet said, "Europe is beginning to commercialise GMOs and it is important that sound, science-based decisions are made at this very critical and sensitive time. I was therefore delighted to be offered this position."

"I look forward to contributing the knowledge and experience gained from NIAB's extensive research and field trials programme on GMOs," he added.

Professor Brian Legg, Director of NIAB, said he was delighted that Dr Sweet had been invited to join the panel. "This appointment is international recognition of the major scientific contribution that NIAB, and particularly Dr Sweet's Group, has made on the safety of GMOs, and we are pleased to be working closely with the new European Food Safety Authority on these issues."

NIAB (National Institute of Agricultural Botany) is an independent organisation based in Cambridge UK and working in the fields of food, farming, environment and research.

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