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Australian researchers probe environmental impact of GMOs
28 August 2000 

Australia is preparing to make a major contribution to increasing global understanding of the
environmental impacts of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

A new $3 million 3-year CSIRO project will examine the effects of genetically modified plants,
animals and other organisms on the environment on a large scale. 

The project will improve our understanding of the wider ecological impacts of GMOs to allow
more informed and factual national debate on their use.

"Gene technology can expand our options to improve our health, create a safer, more secure food
supply, generate prosperity and attain a more sustainable agriculture," says Dr Paul Wellings,
Deputy Chief Executive, Environment and Natural Resources, CSIRO.

"A lot of work has already been done to assess the impacts of GMOs at the field trial scale.
However the application of GMOs has reached the point where larger scale, longer term
environmental assessments are necessary," Dr Wellings says. "We ought to look as carefully at
risks as we do at benefits from our research, and to share what we find with the Australian
community," he says.

Dr Mark Lonsdale, leader of the project says "this new phase in CSIRO's GMO research is
about providing further information on the broad scale effects of GMOs on biodiversity. We will
act in consultation with government regulators and the wider community."

The project is one of the activities under the Government's National Biotechnology Strategy which
was announced by the Minister for Industry, Science and Resources, the Hon. Senator Nick
Minchin, in July. Part funding of $0.5 million has been promised by Environment Australia and the
Interim Office of the Gene Technology Regulator to fund the study into this important issue.

"We will run trials of genetically modified cotton, clover and canola that will help determine what impact these might have on the natural environment," says Dr Lonsdale. 

"A study will also consider possible ecological impacts of GMOs that are still only at the research stage and haven't been released, such as insect resistant eucalypts, livestock gut micro-organisms, oysters and a virus that induces mouse sterility."

"Understanding the impacts of GMOs on agricultural sustainability is a major focus for this research," Dr Lonsdale says. 

"The Australian community demands that environmental impacts be based on impartial and scientific information," he says, "and that is exactly what we are aiming to contribute." 

The new project has three components: 
  • developing new tools for assessing the risks of GMOs;
  • studying ecological impacts of existing GM crops; and 
  • assessing the potential risks and ecological impacts of various kinds of GMOs that may be developed in future.

"This is a fresh field of research worldwide. It is one in which many nations, governments,
environmentalists and farming communities are taking a keen interest," says Dr Lonsdale.

"Ultimately the insights from this project can be applied in many countries that are seeking to
assess the relative benefits and risks of GMOs", he says.

Background Information:
Researchers Probe Evironmental Impact of GMOs

To foster meaningful public debate about GMOs and their implications for Australian
agriculture and ecosystems, there is a pressing need for scientific data on risks and benefits
presented in a balanced and factual manner.

Ecological risk analysis, which is the science of understanding risk as it applies to changes to
our environment, is the appropriate discipline with which to address questions of
sustainability and impacts of GMOs.

Ecological risk analysis is a new and developing field. Ecological risks of GMOs have been
carefully studied and regulated to date in Australia but there is a need for broader scale
implications of GMOs to be considered than has been possible using the available data,
which, of necessity, have come from fairly small scale studies. As the scale of GMO
plantings increases, the kinds of risks they pose also change and we need to understand
what these risks are likely to be.

In order to gather more data to understand the ecological risks of widespread planting of
GMOs, large scale trials must be conducted. CSIRO has the capacity to undertake these
trials and can also make a great contribution to the overall research effort by building
capacity in ecological risk assessment and strengthening links between groups working in
ecological modelling, climate matching and studies of resilience of different ecosystems.

The potential benefits of GMOs for sustainable agriculture will depend largely on the rate at
which they are adopted by farmers and a farmers' willingness and ability to comply with the
necessary changed practices. The indirect effects of GMOs for farm management and for
the natural environment are difficult to predict.

There are three parts to CSIRO's new research project:

1. CSIRO will build an ecological risk assessment group that networks ecological modellers,
risk analysts, ecologists working in systems ecology and on the ecology of pests and weeds,
and climate matching specialists. They will help develop risk assessment tools for GMOs
that considers effects at a wider, landscape scale, and at longer time-frames. They will also
initiate a number of case studies to follow through each stage of introduction of a GMO and
the possible consequences. 

2. The second part of the project will look at GM agricultural plants to examine whether
there are indirect (or knock-on) impacts. It will to take into account landscape (or large)
scale interactions that will occur after commercial release. Small-scale field studies, while
useful, may not always predict what might happen on a large scale or over a long
time-frame. The project will address both positive and negative consequences of
widespread GMO adoption. 

The field studies will focus on the impact of insect-resistant genetically modified (GM) cotton
on beneficial insects; the potential of GM clover to invade natural environments and its
impact on beneficial organisms; and the effects of GM cotton and GM canola on important
processes like nutrient cycling.

3. The third part of the project will look at the theoretical risks posed by four very different
GMOs that are considered to be technically feasible for release over the next three to ten
years. These studies will provide a broad range of issues to aid the development of a system
for pro-actively identifying and assessing risks associated with new genetic technologies. We
will work closely with government bodies such as the Interim Office of the Gene Technology
Regulator (IOGTR) and Environment Australia to ensure that their concerns are met.

The four study organisms for this theoretical risk study are:

  • Eucalypts - the genetic and ecological impacts of gene flow between exotic eucalypt
    plantations and native populations 
  • Rumen biota - risks to man, other organisms and the environment from livestock gut
    micro-organisms modified to break down less digestible feedstuffs 
  • Oysters - ecological risks associated with the development of oysters genetically
    modified to prevent invasion into natural ecosystems 
  • Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) - ecological risks of releasing a genetically
    manipulated virus to induce sterility in mice to reduce the incidence of mouse plagues. 

The results from this research will help Australia and other countries coming to grips with
Genetically Modified Organisms and the risks, benefits and changes associated with this new
technology. It will also aid in Australia's fast-growing biotechnology industry by allowing for
the wise and sustainable use of gene technology.

Further information:
Dr Mark Lonsdale, CSIRO Entomology 
Tel (02) 6246 4360 Mobile: 0409 743 103

CSIRO news release


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