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Downy mildew resistant onion protects yield potential

July 17, 2023


Prediction Onion Main Image

Certain growing, harvesting, and storage conditions can increase the likelihood for onion diseases to develop on leaves and bulbs. Colorado State University reports that one common disease, downy mildew, can create yield losses from 25 to 50 percent in the United States.  

According to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, spores from Peronospora destructor, or onion downy mildew, can spread via the air. It can cause infected bulbs to turn watery and can also collapse onion leaves.  

Disease management in onions requires a multi-pronged approach. That’s why researchers at Syngenta Vegetable Seeds are dedicated to providing growers with more solutions to protect yield and get the most out of their crop. One result of this research is PredictionTM onions which have built-in disease resistance to onion downy mildew.

Meets Demands of End-Users  

The Prediction variety has the round shape consumers look for. Plus, disease resistance helps farmers grow a product that many end-users want while minimizing fungicides. Growers can see more profit potential by focusing on the needs of grocers and consumers.   

“It’s very important because the supermarkets all will have their own brands and their own labels,” said Kees Jacobs, Syngenta Vegetable Seeds technical Sales Representative. “They care about how a product looks and how it was produced.”  

Healthier Crop and Strong Yield Potential 

The disease resistance in Prediction can help protect against yield losses from a downy mildew. In addition to disease protection, Prediction has a fast copper color and high yield potential. 

Disease Management 

Prediction onions fit into an integrated disease management plan. As growers monitor plots, they can factor in disease history in a field to adapt fungicide use. In addition, growers can manage disease by containing the spread of mildew and practicing proper sanitation.


Reliable and Sustainable

Built-in disease resistance is an important first step to making crops more resilient. Prediction varieties are available in treated and untreated seeds. It helps growers sustainably and consistently achieve the superior yield potential they expect from Syngenta Vegetable Seeds.   

Learn more about Syngenta onions and other roots and bulbs here. 


More solutions from: Syngenta Vegetable Seeds

Website: https://www.syngentavegetables.com/

Published: July 18, 2023

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