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Intellectual property protection

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July 25, 2019

Protection des obtentions végétales par le Bénin : Positions tranchées entre organisations paysannes et gouvernement (Matin Libre)

May 9, 2019

New Publication: A Dysfunctional Plant Variety Protection System: Ten Years of UPOV Implementation in Francophone Africa, Working Paper
Faillite de la protection intellectuelle des obtentions végétales : 10 années d’UPOV en Afrique francophone, Document de travail

March 21, 2019

Biopiracy: The misuse of patenting systems at the disadvantage of local communities

March 10, 2019

Afrique : Les semences de contrefaçon constituent une menace pour la sécurité alimentaire (Agence Afrique)

March 8, 2019

Les semences de contrefaçon aggravent l'insécurité alimentaire en Afrique : responsable (Centre d'Informations Internet de Chine)

February 17, 2019

Bénin : arguments contre arguments sur l'adhésion à l'UPOV, ''privatisation des semences'' (Banouto)

February 12, 2019

Bénin - Ratification de la Convention pour la protection des obtentions végétales (Upov) : Ce que craignent les organisations paysannes (Matin Libre)

December 20, 2018

Open source for seeds and genetic sequence data: practical experience and future strategies
Semences et séquences génétiques en open source ? Expériences récentes et stratégies futures

November 16, 2018

Ghana urged to pass law to encourage improved seed breeding

October 22, 2018

Stop stealing protected varieties

February 19, 2018

DowDuPont leads Global CRISPR patent landscape; Broad Institute owns critical eukaryotic gene editing patents - North America & Asia emerge as growing markets for CRISPR Cas9 research & human trials

November 24, 2017

Breeders group CIOPORA calls for new plant varieties to be patentable (Intellectual Property Watch)

November 21, 2017

CIOPORA publishes Position on Patents for Plant-Related Inventions - Association’s breeders vote in favor of patents for plant innovations

June 20, 2017

Ghana - Parliament urged to speed up passage of the National Plant Breeder Protection Bill (AllAfrica)

June 18, 2017

Ghana - Plant breeding is key to improving crop production (Ghana News Agency)

May 4, 2017

Opinion by International Licensing Platform Vegetable managing director Chris van Winden: Guaranteed access to biological material crucial for feeding the world (Fresh Fruit Portal)

March 28, 2017

University of Leeds professor Graham Dutfield charts a path to reconciling IP rights, farmers' rights (Intellectual Property Watch)

January 11, 2017

Generating value in the soybean chain through royalty collection: an international
study (Bio-Science Law Review)

December 21, 2016

From US to India, producers are developing 'open source' seeds to combat patents (Scroll)

September 19, 2016

The ‘International Licensing Platform-Vegetables’: A prototype of a patent clearing house in the life science industry (Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice)

June 20, 2016

Zambia - Reusing or exchanging seed is illegal, say agroecologists (Zambia Daily Mail)

May 29, 2016

Pass Plant Breeders Bill to combat poverty in Ghana, says West Africa Center for Crop Improvement of the University of Ghana (Myjoyonline.com)

May 23, 2016

New EuropaBio factsheet highlights the importance of intellectual property protection for innovation in agriculture

May 4, 2016

Ghana - Halt passage of the Plant Breeder Bill : Peasant farmers urge government (Graphic Online)

April 28, 2016

WORLD IP DAY 2016, ensuring that innovators can keep innovating

April 27, 2016

Drawn out battle over genetic resources dampens Africa’s hopes (The Conversation

April 26, 2016

Plant breeders are creators

April 20, 2016

Freeing crop genetics through the Open Source Seed Initiative (PLOS)

February 17, 2016

World Intellectual Property Organization members debate disclosure of origin for genetic resources in patents (Intellectual Property Watch)

January 6, 2016

Does the current plant patent system restrict innovation and hurt small breeders? (Genetic Literacy Project)

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