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June 09

Limagrain adopte la technologie I-SceI de Cellectis pour des utilisations commerciales dans les plantes
Limagrain takes a commercial license to Cellectis’ I-SceI meganuclease technology for use in plants

March 09

High amylose wheat variety promises health benefits for consumers

January 09

Roche NimbleGen partners with Biogemma on the development of sequence capture technology for targeted high-throughput sequencing of crop genomes

December 08

Evogene and Biogemma show increased corn yield in field trials - Corn containing Evogene discovered genes show significant yield increases under both normal and drought conditions

September 08

Biogemma extends SRS partnership

August 06

Faisant fi de la décision de justice prise à leur demande, les opposants aux OGM s’acharnent sur les essais Biogemma à Antoingt
Heedless of the legal ruling which had been made at their own request, the anti-GMOs trample down the Biogemma trials in Antoingt

Le Tribunal Administratif de Clermont Ferrand confirme les autorisations des essais OGM accordées à Biogemma

July 06

Evogene and Biogemma enter collaboration to develop drought tolerant corn

Mieux comprendre l’intérêt des essais OGM au champ et défendre une recherche en danger

June 06

Biogemma and Evogene participate in European research consortium - The goal of the consortium is targeted gene integration in plants

March 06

Biogemma se réorganise

February 06

CSIRO's new experimental wheat variety has healthy potential

Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Field experimentation of corn genetically modified for flowering earliness

July 05

Localisation de 1454 gènes d'intérêt agronomique sur les chromosomes du maïs

January 05

Deliberate release into the environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the European market:
- Field experimentation of a genetically modified maize. Functional validation of a gene involved in nitrogen efficiency and grain filling - Biogemma

December 04

Procès des faucheurs de Marsat, le tribunal correctionnel de Riom a renvoyé l’audience au 8 mars 2005

September 03

Les chercheurs français se mobilisent pour dénoncer la destruction des champs d'OGM expérimentaux

July 03

Biogemma threatens to leave France after GM attack

April 03

Cellectis and Limagrain Group announce an agreement

November 02

Biogemma - Les premiers résultats des essais au champ 2002

October 02

Position de Biogemma sur la question du seuil de présence fortuite d’OGM

September 02

LION bioscience licenses SRS and bioSCOUT to French crop science firms Biogemma and RhoBio for better research management; deals mark LION's entry into large French crop science market

July 02

Biogemma obtient trois nouvelles autorisations pour mener des essais au champ sur des plantes génétiquement modifiées

October 01

Entrée de RAGT dans le capital de Biogemma
Entry of RAGT in the capital of Biogemma

September 01

Trois années de recherche perdues

August 01

Nouvelle destruction de parcelle OGM - Une atteinte intolérable aux capacités de la recherche indépendante française

September 99

RhoBio signs a plant biotechnology research agreement with CSIRO in Australia

February 99

Genoplante, programme federateur de genomique vegetable
Launch of Genoplante, a plant genomics program bringing together public and private research

September 98

Génoplante, programme fédérateur en génomique végétale
Génoplante, a joint programme in plant genomics

April 98

Rhone-Poulenc Agro and Biogemma create Rhobio, a strategic alliance in plant biotech


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