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  Variety Head
0013 Selvatica da Campo Barba di Cappuccino upright variety with long, notched, medium green coloured leaves
0014 Selvatica da Campo Strisciante sel. Rustica Creeping variety with long, lanceolate, notched leaves of dark green colour
0026 Selvatica da Campo Stelo Bianco Creeping variety with long, notched, green coloured leaves with white ribs
0024 Selvatica da Campo a Stelo Rosso Creeping variety with long, notched, green cloloured leaves with red ribs
0023 Italiko Rosso Upright head with serrate, medium green leaves with red ribs
0020 Catalogna Gigante di Chioggia Voluminous head, long, upright, serrate, dark green leaves. Very marked and fleshy ribs.
0021 Catalogna Foglia Frastagliata sel. Ischia Upright head with long and notched leaves of medium green cloour with white ribs
0029 Catalogna del Veneto Upright head with entire; medium green leaves with white, well maked and fleshy ribs.
0022 Catalogna Puntarelle a Foglia Stretta Upright, very firm head with long, narrow, medium green leaves
0092 Catalogna Pugliese Upright head with long and very notched leaves of medium green colour with white ribs.
0027 Catalogna di Galatina sel. Murge Long, notched, dark green leaves and white, well marked ribs. Voluminous head with short, large, very close shoots on the base forming a firm pine.
0071 Palla Rossa Precoce 3 sel. Aries Concave, wrapping leaves of light red colour. round heads with white and crispy ribs. Early maturity.
0074 Palla Rossa Semiprecoce 4 sel. Rita Concave, wrapping leaves of bright red colour. round heads with white and crispy ribs. Medium maturity.
0073 Palla Rossa Tardiva 5 sel. Fanny Concave, wrapping leaves of dark red colour. Round heads with white and cripsy ribs. Late maturity.

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