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September 16, 2024

Strengthening crop stems: New insights from pepper plant genetics

May 3, 2024

Evaluation of compact pepper cultivars using LED lights and sunlight

October 13, 2023

Sementes F2: O Caminho Incerto! Invista na Qualidade, Colha a Excelência!

July 27, 2023

New method available for SE-RT-qPCR detection of Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) in tomato and pepper seeds
Nouvelle méthode pour la détection par SE-RT-qPCR de ToMMV sur semences de tomate et piment

May 3, 2023

Predicting future solanaceous crop disease risk using disease history

March 13, 2023

Genetic diversity between local landraces and current breeding lines of pepper in China (Nature)

March 23, 2022

Indoor growing of sweet pepper, what are the options?
Paprika daglichtloos telen, wat zijn de mogelijkheden?

March 9, 2021

Pungent-variable of sweet chili pepper Shishito: genes and seeds

December 14, 2020

What makes peppers blush? Green bell peppers are unripe and do not fully ripen - Ruhr University Bochum biologists want to know why

October 21, 2020

Chili-shaped device could reveal just how hot that pepper is

April 20, 2020

"Kygiene protocol in and outside the greenhouse" - Pepper growers follow strict hygiene trend from tomato cultivation (Horti Daily)

July 22, 2019

Copper tolerance research targets Bayer's Serenade Opti as an alternative for disease control in vegetables

May 30, 2019

Four steps to better yields in tomato, pepper, aubergine and melon crops

September 24, 2018

Australia - Pepper disease management: resource library

September 5, 2018

Sweet pepper harvesting robot project SWEEPER close to the finish line
Paprikaplukrobot project SWEEPER op weg naar de eindstreep

June 19, 2018

SWEEPER consortium to demonstrate its sweet pepper harvesting robot on July 4th

June 8, 2018

SWEEPER consortium to demonstrate its sweet pepper harvesting robot on July 4th and September 12th

October 2, 2017

Grafting helps pepper plants deal with drought (SciDev.Net)

August 1, 2017

Smart horticultural lighting company LumiGrow releases growers' guide How to Grow Vine Crops with LEDs

July 11, 2017

Livro traz nova abordagem sobre Fisiologia e Manuseio Pós-Colheita de Pimentão

April 5, 2017

Sweeper (Sweet pepper harvesting robot) tested in greenhouse Belgium
Sweeper (Sweet pepper harvesting robot) getest in Belgische kas

February 26, 2017

Radiation may prove more potent than pesticide against pepper pest (CBC)

February 16, 2017

The Netherlands - Pepper grower Pleun Verheul about Priva's TopCrop Monitor

August 10, 2016

New Mexico State University researchers find natural immune stimulator for chile plants

July 18, 2016

New Mexico State University researchers say milk works best to    extinguish the heat from chile peppers

May 16, 2016

Despuès del segundo año pruebas, el robot para cosechar pimientos entra a trabajar en un invernadero comercial (Horto Info)

May 11, 2016

New Sweet-pepper harvesting robot Sweeper ready for testing in commercial greenhouse
Nieuwe paprika-oogstrobot Sweeper klaar voor praktijktest

March 14, 2016

New Mexico State University researcher develops model to help chile growers battle weeds

February 1, 2016

New Mexico State University researchers investigate how super-hot peppers pack their powerful punch

January 17, 2016

Investigadores de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas desarrollan tecnología para proteger granos (Terra)











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