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The ultimate counter for breeders
DATA Count S 25
Counting machine which offers control
DATA Count S 60
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DATA Count S 660
Mass quantities automatic counting machine
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DATA Count S 660
Mass quantities automatic counting machine

DATA’s S 660 is a sophisticated device designed to quickly and accurately count seeds as small as 1 mm up to 25 mm. While it can count tens of thousands of seeds per minute, it is able to deliver extremely high accuracy, eliminating the imprecision of most current weighing solutions to save you money.

The S 660 is designed to count massive quantities of seeds and thus ideally suited to key players in the seed industry who need to pack hundreds of millions of seed packages every season.

Due to its unprecedented counting speed, the S 660 enables its users to pack seeds by pre-set numbers without losing valuable production time. The S 660 machine is based on proprietary, patented technology that delivers unprecedented counting speeds and phenomenal accuracy.

While prices of seeds continues to rise, it becomes increasingly more surprising to discover that seed manufacturers are still supplying seeds not by exact numbers, but rather by estimated weights. A review of the preferences of large companies will quickly show that they have been searching for a solution that would enable them to accurately supply a specific number of seeds according to a trusted counting system, rather than supply an estimated number. In order to maintain customer satisfaction, large companies have been over-supplying according to an estimated weight. They settled for this option because there was no technology available that would provide the accuracy and speed such a system would require.

After identifying and addressing this problem, DATA has developed a counting solution which, for the first time, can make this important goal a reality. DATA's S 660 relies on the company’s patented detector, which can count dozens of seeds per second. When combining several heads, the number can easily reach thousands of seeds in one minute.

It is important to explain that while delivering speed and accuracy, the DATA Count S 660 does not require any change in production or processing. For the seed manufacturer, this small change can save hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, since the packaging would be according to real numbers and not inflated to ensure a minimum order.

According to Ziv Shaked, DATA’s corporate sales manager, “The DATA Count S 660 is a real revolution in the seed industry.We know from our costumers that they were waiting for such a solution for many years, but the lack of technology always represented a major stumbling block. Today, with this important milestone reached, those companies using the S 660 are now able to enjoy very competitive prices and benefit from a fast ROI (depending on their working volume, of course).”

Download the DATA Count S 660 techsheet

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