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July 26, 2024

University of Georgia supports African research network breeding climate-adapted peanuts

Production semencière au Burkina faso : Le ministre de l’agriculture invite les acteurs à taire les querelles « inutiles et intestines » (LeFaso.net)

Gabon : de nouvelles variétés de riz pour relancer la production nationale inexistante depuis des décennies (Gabon Actu)

July 25, 2024

Unlocking Zambia’s maize potential through crop diversity - CIMMYT and the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) trial different methods to increase maize productivity

July 24, 2024

Tunisie - La PDG de l'Office des Céréales, Salwa Benhadid Zouari, a indiqué que le stock de semences d'orge a été reconstitué (Business News)

July 23, 2024

Solynta’s hybrid true potato seed varieties approved for commercial release in Kenya

AfRice-HEALTH: a disease surveillance network for rice health in Africa

July 22, 2024

ISTA eCertificate System GoLive

Strengthening phytosanitary skills: detecting and controlling seed-borne pathogens

L’Angola s'engage à respecter les protocoles internationaux sur les semences génétiquement modifiées pour renforcer la durabilité agricole (Medi 1 News)

Sénégal - « Dans sa configuration actuelle, la Division des semences est loin de disposer de moyens adéquats (personnel technique, moyens financiers et logistiques) pour remplir convenablement ses missions « (Senego)

July 19, 2024

Semillas Fitó proyecta llegar a 140 millones en 2026 y abrir una filial en Egipto (El Nacional)

Nigerian farmers, scientists divided over GM maize (SciDev.net)

July 17, 2024

Rhizobacteria identified to combat striga and boost sorghum yields in Ethiopia

Nigeria - Government commends stakeholders for advancing biotechnology

July 16, 2024

AfricaRice and CIRAD elucidate the fungal species complex causing severe brown spot disease in farmers' fields in Ivory Coast

Tunisie - Les semences de céréales utilisées sont purement tunisiennes (Tuniscope)

Kenya - Enhancing plant variety protection through capacity building

Top-quality seeds ensure farming success (Food for Mzanzi)

Sakata Seed Southern Africa introduces the new Conquistador II F1 hybrid cabbage variety

July 15, 2024

Southern Africa - Silverado swiss chard from Sakata

Nigeria Integrated Agriculture Activity (NIAA) donates 17 tons of certified seeds to the Borno State Government 

Ghana's seed challenges reflect broader national issues, belief systems (Ghana News Agency)

Seed Co earmarks US$13 million in capital expenditure to boost seed production in countries outside Zimbabwe (The Zimbabwe Independent)

July 12, 2024

2Blades signs memorandum of understanding with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)

July 11, 2024

Maroc - Commercialisation des semences et plants certifiés : six nouveaux acteurs décrochent l’agrément du ministère (Le Matin)

July 10, 2024

Bringing more improved vegetable seeds to more smallholders in Burkina Faso

International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) 2024 Centennial Annual Meeting concludes
On their joint centennial forum, ISTA and the International Seed Federation (ISF) strengthen their cooperation for a food-secure future

Tunisie – Moisson au Kef : constitution d’un stock de 300 mille quintaux de semences d’orges (Tunisie numérique)

July 9, 2024

Strengthening the soybean variety development and testing network: IITA hosts collaborative training for West African breeders



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