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July 26, 2024

Fight against cereal rusts enters a new era

XB 3042 VTPRO2 - Novo milho híbrido tolerante a lagartas e ao herbicida glifosato

Edisino Agrosciences announces $600,000 seed financing round and addition of industry veteran Tom Marsh to board of directors

Canadian Seed Growers' Association - Proposed CSGA membership classes

Boa Safra anuncia conclusão de obra do Centro de Distribuição em Campo Novo do Parecis (MT)

“Our flagship products are making headway with resistances” - ToBRFV-resistant varieties from Axia Vegetable Seeds are 99.9% identical to the original

Cultivation insight into grass weed strategies

Ensuring fair labour by doing audits

Fostering a strong company culture at Rijk Zwaan

Die Hanfpflanze als Multitalent in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit (UmweltDialog)

Un partenariat pour l'agriculture durable : Elicit Plant x Bayer

Pakistan - ‘Seed industry holds key role in national development’ (Business Recorder)

Pollen banking is a critical need for conserving plant diversity (Nature)

Meaning of rye: Farmers hope to expand minor cereal grain (Capital Press)

Why soybeans have become the second largest crop in the U.S. (Forbes)

2024 Asian Seed Congress to offer 4 post congress tours: Inside China with Sanya 'Silicon Valley of Seeds'

University of Georgia supports African research network breeding climate-adapted peanuts

Production semencière au Burkina faso : Le ministre de l’agriculture invite les acteurs à taire les querelles « inutiles et intestines » (LeFaso.net)

España - Las semillas de calidad aumentan el rendimiento hasta un 19 % en el campo abulense - El campo de ensayo de UPA Ávila aporta respuestas al sector agrario en el actual contexto de cambio climático (Tribuna Ávila)

Embarking on a new era: hybrid fall rye, now closer than ever

Rye gets an upgrade (The Western Producer)

BASF Group in second quarter 2024: EBITDA before special items at level of prior-year quarter; outlook 2024 unchanged
El EBITDA antes de extraordinarios se mantiene a nivel del trimestre del año anterior; las perspectivas para 2024 no cambian

Wilbur-Ellis introduces Fortus brand soybeans - New varieties bring growers expanded options for controlling problem weeds

“Redesign” alfalfa? UC Davis' alfalfa expert Charlie Brummer urges just that - Students, collaborators offer hope for better crops at North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference

INTA y CONICET: socios estratégicos para la innovación en el agro

Australia - One-stop pulse research shop - A new website, part of the Grain Legume Project in Victoria, that brings together findings and updates from multiple trials that are underway is now live

Unveiling the vision of Chia Tai's commercial leader pioneering solutions to propel Thailand's agriculture into a smart era

Adubação para soja: dicas e melhores práticas para o solo

Uso de biológicos no tratamento industrial de sementes promove ganhos expressivos sem esquecer da sustentabilidade

USA - Comment period open on Syngenta dicamba - Proposed Syngenta dicamba label maintains early over-the-top use in soybeans (DTN Progressive Farmer)



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