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September 26, 2024

Canada - Legal drone spraying takes step closer to reality - CFIA says the work that is ongoing to satisfy federal regulatory authorities is moving faster than previously anticipated (The Western Producer)

September 25, 2024

La contribution sur les semences fermières facilite l’innovation agricole - Une étude de l’Inrae sur différents systèmes agricoles en Europe et en Australie montre que la mise en place d’une contribution sur les semences dites « fermières » améliore le bénéfice global des agriculteurs et semenciers (La France Agricole)

September 24, 2024

USDA/APHIS issues Regulatory Status Review responses: Covercress, GCMBNA Ruby Genetics, Moolec Science, and Michigan State University

Raad voor plantenrassen - Brieven herregistratie 2024 verstuurd
Letters prolongation of registration 2024 sent

Raad voor plantenrassen - Vensterbankgroenten/Mini-groenten/Eetbare siergewassen
Mini or pot vegetables/Edible ornamentals

Gazette van de Raad voor plantenrassen september 2024
Gazette of the Board for plant varieties, September 2024

A European Union decision is paving the way for more non-food crops, including Nuseed Carinata, to play a crucial role in the decarbonization of the aviation industry

September 23, 2024

En biotecnología, “perdemos por goleada el partido con Brasil y Estados Unidos” - El gerente de marca DonMario, Patricio Munilla, destacó la importancia de fortalecer la propiedad intelectual de la semilla en el plano de la biotecnología y la genética (InfoCampo)

September 20, 2024

Varieties that are edible and that are traded or sold as pot vegetables or ornamental products should be registered (admitted) as vegetables in the EU common catalogue
Rassen die eetbaar zijn en die als vensterbankgroenten of sierproduct worden verhandeld of verkocht, dienen als groente geregistreerd (toegelaten) te worden op de rassenverkeerslijst van de EU

Bundessortenamt - Blatt für Sortenwesen, September 2024

Biotalys granted patents for its first biofungicide, Evoca, in both Europe and the United States

September 19, 2024

Brasil, CTNBio - Accesse a pauta da 275ª Reunião Ordinária da CTNBio, 03 de outubro de 2024

September 17, 2024

APAC seed sector welcomes Thailand's new gene editing regulation

CSMs debatem implementação de normativas e ajustes legais no XXII CBSementes

September 16, 2024

USA - Bayer, others defeat US farmers' chemical price-fixing lawsuit (Reuters)

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, Special edition, September 2024

United Kingdom - Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette, September 2024

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) - Call for comment on food made from a new GM sugar beet line

South African Cultivar and Technology Agency (SACTA) drives new cultivar development in the seed industry through its breeding and technology levy (Farmer's Weekly)

September 13, 2024

U.S. Plant Variety Protection Office issues 50 certificates on August 23, 2024

Italia - Accordo interprofessionale sementi foraggere, campagna 2024/2025: il Comitato tecnico indica il prezzo del seme di erba medica in natura certificato a settembre 2024

Bioceres affirms commitment to U.S. “Wheat Industry Principles for Biotechnology Commercialization”

September 12, 2024

Jury finds in favor of Monsanto in Philadelphia trial

Ukraine simplifies import procedures for seed samples

September 11, 2024

U.S. Pacific Northwest commissions statement on APHIS decision to deregulate the drought-tolerant HB4 trait in wheat

Biotalys receives approval for large-scale demonstration trials of its first biofungicide candidate, Evoca, in the Netherlands

September 10, 2024

USDA/APHIS stakeholder reminder: Revised agricultural quarantine and inspection user fee regulations become effective October 1, 2024

Kenya gives green light to 58 GMO projects despite lawsuits and misinformation

September 9, 2024

Deutschland- Wirtschaft pocht auf Kennzeichnung neuer Züchtungstechniken (Top Agrar)

India - Industry bats for strong enforcement of intellectual property rights in seeds to ensure food security (Agriculture Post)



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