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Cosmick set to star as new InterGrain Australian Hard wheat

August 22, 2014

Cosmick, a new Australian Hard wheat launched yesterday by leading Australian cereal breeding company InterGrain, looks set to offer South Australian and Victorian wheat growers a viable variety alternative to Mace, Correll, Corack, Derrimut and Scout.

The high yielding, early to mid maturing wheat, formerly known as IGW3423,  has performed exceptionally well in InterGrain trials in the past few years and in National Variety Trials (NVT) in 2013, with its yields equivalent to Mace in SA.

Cosmick offers strong stem rust (MR-MS) and moderate stripe rust resistance (MS). It has an intermediate plant height, similar to Gladius.

Cosmick has a moderate grain size, similar to Yitpi and offers test weights similar to Wyalkatchem.

According to InterGrain CEO, Tress Walmsley and InterGrain Marketing Manager Ash Brooks, who jointly launched the new variety at the BCG Industry Field Day in Horsham, Victoria, Cosmick extends InterGrain’s wheat variety portfolio reach in eastern Australia.

InterGrain Wheat East breeder and breeder of Cosmick, Chris Moore, said the new variety gave Victorian and South Australian growers a high yielding, early-mid season AH variety alternative for their programs and, with its high yields, AH classification and effective yellow leaf spot resistance it would be ideal for a first wheat following a canola, field pea or lentil crop.

From a SA perspective, Cosmick is yield competitive with Mace, which currently comprises about half of SA’s typical wheat plantings and it offers growers another AH option to spread their varietal risk.

According to Dr Moore, Cosmick will also provide growers with an alternative to spread their disease risk due to its good stem and leaf rust resistance, coupled with its useful stripe rust resistance.

“For those growers, particularly in the southern Eyre Peninsula, Cosmick has an MR-MS powdery mildew rating, which is also an advantage,” he said.

Although considered susceptible to cereal cyst nematode (CCN), Cosmick is an effective varietal option when used within a well-managed rotation, through the integration of CCN break crops and/or CCN resistant barley varieties, such as La Trobe.

Richard Verner, who this year has sown 1500 hectares of his 1800ha farm at Mallala, SA,  said Cosmick would give Mace, Gladius and Corack “a run for their money, particularly in the  medium rainfall areas where higher protein for AH premiums, lower rust risk  and good yellow leaf spot resistance  are all hallmarks of a successful variety.”

A farmer and seed grower, Mr Verner this year sowed 23ha to Cosmick on May 14 into medic pasture at 85kg/ ha, a little lower than the usual 90-100 kg/ha, to allow a larger sowing area.

“Cosmick has kept pace with the season this year and looks on track for a good yield, so I reckon it’s written in the stars," Mr Verner quipped.

Cosmick seed is available for sowing in 2015 and can be purchased from registered InterGrain Seedclub members or your local reseller. For more information, please contact InterGrain, Tel 08 9419 8000 or visit the website www.intergrain.com

More news from: InterGrain Pty. Ltd.

Website: http://www.intergrain.com

Published: August 22, 2014

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