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July 26, 2024

“Our flagship products are making headway with resistances” - ToBRFV-resistant varieties from Axia Vegetable Seeds are 99.9% identical to the original

July 25, 2024

Dietro le Quinte: le attività di ricerca per lo sviluppo della resistenza al ToBRFV

ToBRFV : Minimiser la propagation du virus après sa détection

July 24, 2024

The aroma of tomato resistance
El aroma que protege a los tomates

July 23, 2024

España - HM.Clause avanza firme en la obtención de nuevas variedades resistentes al virus del rugoso (ToBRFV) (Portagrano)

Pomodoro Exhibition: protagonista BASF | Nunhems con innovazione varietale e resistenza alle virosi

ISI Sementi - Giornate tecniche su cipolla, pomodoro, baby leaf (Fresh Plaza)

July 18, 2024

How the ToBRFV varieties changed the tomato market in Spain

Tomates côtelées bio de Gautier Semences : toutes les couleurs sont déjà disponibles

July 17, 2024

Our discovery of the ToBRFV genome – the foundation for today’s resistant varieties

From niche to normal: the rise of snack-sized tomatoes

July 10, 2024

Manier Seeds open days - Resistant varieties tested in Türkiye, now demonstrating performance in Spain (HortiDaily)

July 8, 2024

Pomodoro high-tech: grande interesse per la visita a cura BASF | Nunhems dei produttori italiani in Olanda

España - El mercado de tomate fresco, tendencias y retos

July 5, 2024

Introducing Chocostar F1, Sakata's brown tomato tolerant to ToBRFV

July 3, 2024

España - Harmoniz: “Nuestro objetivo es aportar la mayor tranquilidad al agricultor” (F&H)
Entrevista María José Flores Membrives, Area Manager Levante de Harmoniz Ibérica
An interview with María José Flores Membrives, East Area Manager at Harmoniz Ibérica

España - Tomate Batalla, de la casa de semillas Meridiem Seeds, una solución frente al ToBRFV (Fhalmeria)

June 24, 2024

SAIS Sementi - Pomodoro, le proposte varietali per la Sicilia (Fresh Plaza)

June 21, 2024

Resistance to ToBRFV, an additional trait recognised in DUS studies of tomato varieties

June 19, 2024

ToBRFV : La recherche montre une augmentation et une distribution inégales du virus dans les plantes

Rapsodia, noul soi românesc de roșii în trei culori, poate ajunge la 7 kilograme pe plantă (Agrointel)
Rapsodia, the new tricolour cherry tomato variety from Romania (HortiDaily)

June 14, 2024

Onderzoek toont een ongelijke virustoename en -verdeling in planten aan - Telen met ToBRFV: Een nieuwe realiteit #3

June 13, 2024

New greenhouse in Made, Netherlands forms strong basis for Hazera’s global high-tech tomato program

Bayer baut Gentechnik-Gemüsesparte aus (Informationsdienst Gentechnik)

Isi Sementi presenta la risposta genetica al TSWV del pomodoro - Appuntamento ai Field Days del 19 e 20 giugno a Verona (Italia Fruit)

June 11, 2024

Italy - New initiative Mediterranea aims to promote processed tomatoes

The processing tomato sector in Hungary

June 6, 2024

España - Tobias, el tomate suelto de Yuksel Seeds resistente a rugoso (Portagrano)

June 5, 2024

Resistencia, cosecha y calidad del tomate – ¡a veces se puede tener todo!

Hightech of niet: mensen willen lekkere tomaten



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