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July 26, 2024

“Our flagship products are making headway with resistances” - ToBRFV-resistant varieties from Axia Vegetable Seeds are 99.9% identical to the original

Cultivation insight into grass weed strategies

Ensuring fair labour by doing audits

Fostering a strong company culture at Rijk Zwaan

Die Hanfpflanze als Multitalent in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit (UmweltDialog)

Un partenariat pour l'agriculture durable : Elicit Plant x Bayer

España - Las semillas de calidad aumentan el rendimiento hasta un 19 % en el campo abulense - El campo de ensayo de UPA Ávila aporta respuestas al sector agrario en el actual contexto de cambio climático (Tribuna Ávila)

BASF Group in second quarter 2024: EBITDA before special items at level of prior-year quarter; outlook 2024 unchanged
El EBITDA antes de extraordinarios se mantiene a nivel del trimestre del año anterior; las perspectivas para 2024 no cambian

España - Campo de ensayo en Cisla - Semillas de trigo y cebada que logran rendimientos superiores de casi el 20% (ÁvilaRed)

Los resistentes de Semillas Fitó ya llegan a todos los ciclos (FH Almeria)

Innovazione nel trattamento delle sementi per produzioni ancora più sostenibili

Sicurezza e Salubrità delle sementi

July 25, 2024

Dietro le Quinte: le attività di ricerca per lo sviluppo della resistenza al ToBRFV

The environmental impact of the Seed Connect Centre

ToBRFV : Minimiser la propagation du virus après sa détection

Production goals underpin your grass strategy

July 24, 2024

Tozer announces partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust

France - Calaris de Syngenta, herbicide maïs à large spectre en post-levée

The aroma of tomato resistance
El aroma que protege a los tomates

Agricoltura digitale & innovazione tecnologica: a che punto è la ricerca CREA e Università della Tuscia?

United Kingdom - Exciting developments for the 2024 Onion & Carrot conference

Saatgut-Treuhand bestärkt: Bundesregierung sieht bei Erntegut-Urteil keinen Handlungsbedarf (Top Agrar)

Arrivano i Field Days di ISI Sementi - Riflettori puntati su cipolle e mercato estero (Italia Fruit News)

Praktijkervaring in teelt wintertarwe - “Besteed aandacht aan je teelt en aan het inzaaien” (Akkerwijzer)

An unbeatable duo: the new Lemken seed drill Solitair with Zirkon power harrow

Comment construire son mélange variétal (Terre-net)

July 23, 2024

Jaarlijkse veldproeven in wintertarwe

Solynta’s hybrid true potato seed varieties approved for commercial release in Kenya

Italia - Novità nella gamma finocchio Seminis: ecco Aristotele

Saatbau Linz, Rapso Landwirtepreis 2024



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