December 5, 2024
Adama reaches a major milestone with innovative new active ingredient Gilboa - Opening new possibilities for farmers in Europe to combat key cereal diseases while enhancing crop quality
United Kingdom - Biologicals add strength to IPM programmes
Discover Lidea's new brochure tailored for the African market
Biodiversity and ecosystems
Accordo interprofessionale sementi foraggere: fissato il prezzo per la campagna 2024/2025 del seme di erba medica in natura certificato
KWS Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approves dividend of €1.00 and elects Dr. Hagen Duenbostel to the Supervisory Board KWS Hauptversammlung stimmt Dividende von 1,00 Euro zu und wählt Dr. Hagen Duenbostel in den Aufsichtsrat
Key figures for Limagrain's 2023-2024 financial year and our businesses Les chiffres-clés de l'exercice 2023-2024 de Limagrain et nos métiers
"Samen doelgericht verder bouwen" - Seed Valley presenteert toekomststrategie (Groenten Nieuws)
December 4, 2024
2024, une année riche pour la R&D Semences de Provence
Semences de Provence aux salons de l'automne, l'occasion de vous rencontrer
Manier Seeds participated in the Growtech 2024 fair for the 15th consecutive year
Donau Soja expects record European soybean harvest of more than 13 million tonnes
España - Investigado en Valladolid por la venta ilegal de semillas protegidas (El Norte de Castilla)
December 3, 2024
France - Vilmoin-Mikado: Calendriers laitues plein champ 2024-2025
Consultez le dernier numéro d'Arvalis & Terres Inovia infos
United Kingdom - Seasonal cheer for whisky and beer with Syngenta's latest malting barley variety promotions
Piensa en melón amarillo, piensa en Chester
Rising temperatures, shrinking yields: Overcoming climate challenges in tomato production
Two RAGT wheats gain full UK approval on AHDB’s 2025/26 Recommended - Breadmaking wheat RGT Goldfinch and soft wheat RGT Hexton make the list after a very strong performance in trials and on farm
Summit Carciofo 2024: grande interesse per l’evento organizzato da BASF | Nunhems
New AHDB Oilseed Rape Recommended List announced today shows seven NPZ UK varieties including top-of-list Maverick
INVITE: Final conference of the European project on variety evaluation on 10 December in Brussels
The Plenary Committee of the CTPS: time to take stock and settle in for a new mandate
Senior analyst certification: GEVES training courses for recognised laboratories
DLF indgår samarbejde om salg af Selectline stregmaling
Nederland - Nieuwe aanbevolen rassen van suikerbieten
Bundesverband der VO-Firmen e.V. (BVO) - BVO-Info Nr. 11/2024
BASF | Nunhems ‘Tomato Experience’ abre sus puertas en Murcia
France - Semences bio : les céréales à paille plutôt bien loties (Réussir)
Syngenta: los primeros con variedades resistentes a Nueva Delhi en 3 cultivos (Fruit Today)
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