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September 9, 2024

Sakata Field Days in the Netherlands, 24-26 September - A wide range of products with a strong spinach offering

August 23, 2024

Five questions to Guillaume Daverdin, Crop Breeding Manager for Spinach at Enza Zaden, on…spinach - Downy Mildew (Pe:20) explained

June 20, 2024

Baby leaf: ISI Sementi propone un taglio per ogni esigenza - Lattughe, spinaci, valeriane e rucole: ecco la nuova gamma (Italia Fruit)

June 10, 2024

BASF | Nunhems announces partnership expansion with TS&L Seed Company

June 7, 2024

Alla Enza Zaden abbiamo una gamma completa di varietà di spinacio resistenti alla nuova razza Pe:20

June 5, 2024

Fresh from Texas: Inside San Antonio's first soil-based vertical farm, Soli Organic cultivates 140,000 square feet of organic produce and economic opportunity

June 4, 2024

Ricerca e Innovazione: la risposta di Seminis alla minaccia della nuova razza della Peronospora dello spinacio

June 3, 2024

Peronospora razza 20: la risposta di ISI Sementi (Italia Fruit)

May 31, 2024

Seminis bietet Lösungen gegen die Bedrohung durch Rasse 20 des falschen Mehltaus im Spinat

May 24, 2024

Spinaci Syngenta gamma competitiva con resistenza HR alla Peronospora Pe:20

May 21, 2024

Enza Zaden verfügt über ein komplettes Portfolio an Spinatsorten, die gegen den neuen Stamm Pe:20 resistent sind

May 20, 2024

Sakata Seed Iberica confirma la resistencia de las espinacas Jaspe, Peridot, Turandot y Figaro a la nueva cepa de Mildiu Pe: 20

May 16, 2024

Denomination of Pe: 20, a new race of downy mildew in spinach - Rijk Zwaan's broad range of spinach varieties and genetics give you the possibility of optimal mildew resistance
Denominazione di una nuova razza di peronospora dello spinacio Pe:20 - Le varietà di spinacio resistenti di Rijk Zwaan

May 14, 2024

Nieuwe fysio van Valse Meeldauw (PE: 20) geïdentificeerd
Eine neue Rasse Peronospora effusa, PE:20, in Europa identifiziert und benannt
Nominata nuova razza di Peronospora Effusa (Pe: 20)

Chez Enza Zaden, nous disposons d'un portefeuille complet d'épinards résistants à la nouvelle souche Pe:20

May 13, 2024

Denomination of Pe: 20, a new race of downy mildew in spinach

At Enza Zaden, we have a complete spinach portfolio resistant to the new strain Pe:20

May 2, 2024

New molecular confirmation tests detection Fusarium tomato and spinach seeds
Nieuwe moleculaire bevestigingstoetsen detectie Fusarium tomaten- en spinaziezaden

March 4, 2024

Pop Vriend Seeds demuestra en Murcia su liderazgo en 'baby leaf' (Agrodiario)

March 1, 2024

Pop Vriend Seeds muestras sus novedades de espinaca en Murcia (Aen verde)

February 2, 2024

Texas A&M AgriLife Research begins next phase toward breeding disease-resistant spinach - Multi-state project aims to develop cultivars resistant to five common spinach diseases

January 23, 2024

Dedicated to downy mildew resistance in leafy vegetables

January 17, 2024

Protect spinach all season long

November 16, 2023

University of Arkansas leads $3.57 million national effort to improve disease resistance in spinach

October 3, 2023

Soluzioni innovative per la filiera dello spinacio

September 19, 2023

France - A la découverte des légumiers de demain : une réalité déjà en marche

August 4, 2023

Spinacio: grande interesse per il meeting dedicato alle varietà ad alta resistenza Nunhems presentate nell'areale di Foggia

June 27, 2023

EUCARPIA Leafy Vegetables Conference, Utrecht University, August 28 to 31, 2023

June 23, 2023

Organic Seed Alliance's  spinach trial underway to inform seed production

June 8, 2023

Spinach leaf spot resistance saves yield potential



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