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September 6, 2024

ARVALIS - Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / Alsace - Blé tendre : téléchargez nos préconisations pour les semis 2024

De la mano de una genética avanzada, Uruguay registra rendimientos récord en trigo y colza

September 5, 2024

United Kingdom - DSV's Hard Group 4 wheat Champion tops latest AHDB Harvest Results

ARVALIS - Centre / Ile-de-France / Limousin - Blé tendre : téléchargez nos préconisations pour les semis 2024

Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé

Kansas State University researchers starting to investigate heat tolerant wheat stripe rust - K-State wheat disease specialist announces grant to help predict yield loss

September 3, 2024

United Kingdom - Yorks farmer quadruples area of winter wheat RGT Grouse

United Kingdom - Now is the time to try winter wheat RGT Grouse

United Kingdom - Thumbs up for RGT Goldfinch after a very difficult season

United Kingdom - Good quality grain and plenty of it – RGT Grouse winter wheat overcomes the odds in Suffolk

ARVALIS - Bretagne - Blé tendre : téléchargez nos préconisations pour les semis 2024

Cultivares e recomendações de manejo do trigo no Cerrado são apresentados em Dia de Campo

September 2, 2024

Nederland - Nieuw aanbevolen rassen van wintertarwe

Australian cereal breeder InterGrain launches new wheat, barley and oat varieties (The West Australian)

Canada - Prairie collaboration on research plays a key role in new and improved crop varieties (Discover Humboldt)

Argentina - Mapa de calidad de semillas: el trigo y la cebada iniciaron su campaña con alto poder germinativo - Los mapas, elaborados por la Asociación de Laboratorios Agropecuarios Privados (ALAP), son una herramienta útil para evaluar lotes y planificar las labores de siembra

August 30, 2024

Analytics identifying valuable new genetics

PlainsGold to market two new wheat varieties in 2024

Schweiz - Schwache Leistung der Winterweizensorten in den swiss granum-Versuchen 2023 / 2024
Faibles performances des variétés de blé d’automne dans les essais swiss granum 2023 / 2024

August 29, 2024

Saatbau Linz: Mahlweizen – wo sich die Spreu vom Weizen trennt

Saatbau Linz Biosortiment – Empfehlung für den Herbstanbau 2024

Saatbau Linz Premiumweizen-TRIO begeistert

ARVALIS - Blé sur blé : les résultats variétés 2024 et pluriannuels

Histórico: Estados Unidos aprueba siembra comercial del trigo transgénico HB4 tolerante a sequía (ChileBio)

August 28, 2024

Hito: Estados unidos aprobó el cultivo del trigo tolerante a la sequía desarrollado por especialistas del CONICET

U.S. Department of Agriculture says Bioceres genetically modified wheat is safe to grow (Reuters)

Bioceres Crop Solutions receives green light for cultivation of drought tolerant HB4 wheat in the United States

Montana State University's durum team developing intermediate height semi-dwarfs (Ag Update)

Embrapa Trigo apresenta cultivares de cereais no Show Rural de Inverno

Ancient wild relatives hold the key to climate-proofing global wheat supply

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