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July 23, 2024

Next generation biosensor reveals gibberellin’s critical role in legume nitrogen-fixation – paving the way for more productive legume crops and self-fertilizing cereals

July 22, 2024

Harmoniz breeding and demo facility in the Netherlands to open in September (Horti Daily)

July 17, 2024

Our discovery of the ToBRFV genome – the foundation for today’s resistant varieties

New research plants the seed to grow food crops with sea water - Budding new plant biology research is paving the potential to produce food crops that not only survive but thrive in salty conditions

July 11, 2024

AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds levy payers seed research investment

July 10, 2024

Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient

Not so simple: mosses and ferns offer new hope for crop protection

Légumineuses : un tour de plaine organisé avec l’ICARDA -  Une convention pour favoriser le progrès génétique signée pour trois ans

July 5, 2024

Dig through archive answers century-old questions on flower colour and patterning - Questions on flower colour posed more than a century ago have been resolved by new research

Institut für Zuckerrübenforschung Podcast: KI-Methoden für die bessere Zuckerrübe

Machbarkeitsstudie zu "Nachweis- und Identifizierungsverfahren für genomeditierte Pflanzen und pflanzliche Produkte“ abgeschlossen: Berichte wurden veröffentlicht

July 4, 2024

The European Association for Research on Plant Breeding Cultivation (EUCARPIA) invites you to Leipzig

Euroseeds co-signs with more than 100 European associations a Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10

July 2, 2024

Europas Maiszüchter trafen sich in Gleisdorf - Züchtungsfortschritte bei Maissorten im Fokus der Gespräche

Exciting new results from ECOBREED: insights, trials and recommendations

Can soybeans be grown in a protected environment?
Kunnen sojabonen in een beschermde omgeving worden geteeld?

July 1, 2024

España - Syngenta anuncia la construcción de un nuevo centro de innovación en El Ejido (Almería)
Syngenta to construct €9.6 million innovation center in El Ejido

RAGT Seeds United Kingdom, demo field tour - Broad-ranging research and innovative new varieties on show / Searching for new BYDV resistance / Alternative Cereals & Late drilled wheat / New milling wheat & promising wheat pipeline

Towards more nitrogen-efficient varieties

Buckwheat responds better than wheat to future climate conditions
El sarraceno responde mejor que el trigo a las condiciones climáticas del futuro
Artobeltzak gariak baino hobeto erantzuten die etorkizuneko klima-kondizioei

Game changers: Professor Cristobal Uauy, plant scientist at the John Innes Centre (Farmers Weekly)

What makes the ideal wheat variety for regenerative farming? (Farmers Weekly)

An important but often overlooked step in the green transition: Danish research center maps crucial climate genes in crops

June 28, 2024

NIAB boosts controlled environment research with new appointment

Vandali anti-scienza distruggono il primo campo di prova di riso migliorato con gene-editing

España - El Ifapa la Asociación Nacional de Obtentores Vegetales (Anove) acuerdan colaborar en investigación y transferencia de tecnología en el sector agroalimentario

June 27, 2024

España - Técnicos de CICYTEX prueban un sistema de mejora de pastos usando pacas de heno mejoradas con semillas autóctonas para la alimentación de ganado

June 25, 2024

NIAB to lead crop development in new Bezos Sustainable Protein Centre

Simplify Science: Interpretable machine learning decodes soil microbiome’s response to drought stress

Rijk Zwaan opens new breeding greenhouse for berries
Rijk Zwaan opent nieuwe veredelingslocatie voor aardbei, braam en framboos
Beerenstark in die Zukunft: Rijk Zwaan eröffnet neues Züchtungsgewächshaus



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