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July 26, 2024

Fight against cereal rusts enters a new era

Cultivation insight into grass weed strategies

USA - Comment period open on Syngenta dicamba - Proposed Syngenta dicamba label maintains early over-the-top use in soybeans (DTN Progressive Farmer)

July 25, 2024

Dietro le Quinte: le attività di ricerca per lo sviluppo della resistenza al ToBRFV

ToBRFV : Minimiser la propagation du virus après sa détection

The road to food security through better plant disease management

Brasil - Inseticida na dessecação pré-plantio: vantagens dessa estratégia

Argentina - Aportes sobre manejo y monitoreo de la chicharrita del maíz

Nova geração de fungicidas da Adama é marcada por produção mais sustentável e tecnologia em formulação

July 24, 2024

France - Calaris de Syngenta, herbicide maïs à large spectre en post-levée

The aroma of tomato resistance
El aroma que protege a los tomates

July 23, 2024

Enza Zaden joins NEM-EMERGE initiative to combat root-knot nematodes (RKN) and potato cyst nematodes (PCN)

The British Crop Protection Council's 10th Pests and Beneficials Review to be held on the 5 December 2024

Argentina - Ver para entender: ya está en marcha la Red de Monitoreo de la chicharrita

July 22, 2024

Rapid identification tests for herbicide-resistant weeds will speed management decisions (GrainsWest)

July 19, 2024

A North Carolina State University engineer and plant pathologist work together to create robotics to get ahead of cucurbit downy mildew, a devastating cucumber disease

Argentina - Chicharrita del maíz: Protocolo Complementario de inscripción de cultivares de maíz

Canada - Cereal growers have a new option against herbicide-resistant weeds - Bayer launches Huskie Pre for day one protection against herbicide-resistant broadleaf weeds, incorporating Group 27 mode of action

Los consejos de un experto brasileño para el control de chicharrita

Cooperativas do Rio Grande do Sul discutem o futuro da agricultura em evento exclusivo - Adama Coopera reúne principais líderes e agricultores de cooperativas da região Sul do estado e aborda temas cruciais para o agro como tecnologia de aplicação, biossoluções e inovação em formulação

July 18, 2024

France - L’outil d’aide à la décision Quali’Cible, toujours plus précis et plus rapide

Der Mais und seine neuen Feinde

July 17, 2024

Rhizobacteria identified to combat striga and boost sorghum yields in Ethiopia

Disease control critical for faba bean success, expert says

Fall armyworm's ability to adapt putting more crops at risk

Australia - WeedSmart Week 2024 brings insights and innovations to EP

Certis Biologicals announces new Regional Sales Managers for Pacific Northwest and Northern California/Nevada

July 16, 2024

Managing southern root-knot nematode in Kentucky high tunnels using grafted tomato

New online agriculture course grows skills in identifying corn, soybean field insects

Tomato grower applies Tobre after contamination - "Stabilization in deteriorated growth of ToBRFV-infected crop" (Horti Daily)



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