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July 26, 2024

XB 3042 VTPRO2 - Novo milho híbrido tolerante a lagartas e ao herbicida glifosato

“Our flagship products are making headway with resistances” - ToBRFV-resistant varieties from Axia Vegetable Seeds are 99.9% identical to the original

Embarking on a new era: hybrid fall rye, now closer than ever

Rye gets an upgrade (The Western Producer)

Wilbur-Ellis introduces Fortus brand soybeans - New varieties bring growers expanded options for controlling problem weeds

Australia - One-stop pulse research shop - A new website, part of the Grain Legume Project in Victoria, that brings together findings and updates from multiple trials that are underway is now live

GRDC invests $35M to drive machine automation and intelligent technology for grain growers

Nidera Semillas lanzó su campaña de soja 2024 (TodoAgro)

España - Campo de ensayo en Cisla - Semillas de trigo y cebada que logran rendimientos superiores de casi el 20% (ÁvilaRed)

Los resistentes de Semillas Fitó ya llegan a todos los ciclos (FH Almeria)

Innovazione nel trattamento delle sementi per produzioni ancora più sostenibili

Gabon : de nouvelles variétés de riz pour relancer la production nationale inexistante depuis des décennies (Gabon Actu)

July 25, 2024

Crop cafeterias facilitate the widespread dissemination and adoption of superior rice varieties across Bangladesh

USA - More leading breeders offering a range of drought-tolerant ornamental varieties (Greenhouse Grower)

Pulse grower-funded lentils near release date - Limagrain and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers say their new red lentil varieties will offer ‘significant yield improvement’ (The Western Producer)

Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) hosts workshop on hybrid cotton varieties (Business Recorder)

INASE Uruguay - Mejoras en las gestiones en línea

July 24, 2024

France - Calaris de Syngenta, herbicide maïs à large spectre en post-levée

United Kingdom - Exciting developments for the 2024 Onion & Carrot conference

Arrivano i Field Days di ISI Sementi - Riflettori puntati su cipolle e mercato estero (Italia Fruit News)

Argentina - Nidera Semillas lanzó su campaña de soja 2024 (ON24)

An unbeatable duo: the new Lemken seed drill Solitair with Zirkon power harrow

ProGro BIO provides mid-season update on nation-wide 2024 Rhizol in-field program

July 23, 2024

Solynta’s hybrid true potato seed varieties approved for commercial release in Kenya

Saatbau Linz - Leistungsstarke Premiumweizensorten: Aurelius, Arameus, Artimus - ein starkes Trio für Trockengebiete

España - HM.Clause avanza firme en la obtención de nuevas variedades resistentes al virus del rugoso (ToBRFV) (Portagrano)

Pomodoro Exhibition: protagonista BASF | Nunhems con innovazione varietale e resistenza alle virosi

USA - DLF launches 4Most Seed Enhancement, a new seed enhancement solution created specifically for turf and forage applications

Tage der offenen Tür bei Bejo in Warmenhuizen (Niederlande) für Anbauer und Handelskettenpartner, von Dienstag, 24. September, bis Freitag, 27. September

Deutschland - 10. Internationaler Tag der Quality inside Steckzwiebeln
Tenth International Quality inside onion set day highly successful



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