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Syngenta Seeds completes acquisition of South African seed company Sensako
Syngenta Seeds voltooit overname van Sensako
Syngenta Seeds completa la adquisición de Sensako
Syngenta Seeds perfeziona l’acquisizione di Sensako


Basel, Switzerland
August 17, 2020

  • Sensako is a leading South African R&D seeds company with a strong wheat market position
  • Acquisition will accelerate Syngenta Seeds’ entry into South African seeds market
  • Allows Syngenta Seeds to accelerate introduction of Viptera trait technology to address fall armyworm challenge and its devastating impact on South African growers

Syngenta Seeds announced today that it has completed the acquisition of Sensako, a South African seed company specializing in cereals.

Sensako is a leading R&D seeds company with roots going back to 1958. It has a strong wheat market position in South Africa with additional sales in Namibia, Zambia and Lesotho. The acquisition will lay the foundation for growth and help accelerate Syngenta Seeds’ entry into the South African seeds market in wheat, corn and sunflower.

“We’re excited to connect Sensako’s talented team with our growing global seeds business,” said Jeff Rowe, President Syngenta Seeds. “This strategic investment opens the door for us to bring more choice, innovation and technology to help growers thrive in the region. Most importantly, we’ll have the opportunity to bring our leading Viptera trait technology to growers to address the permanent, rapidly spreading threat of Fall Armyworm in South Africa.”

Sensako is currently a distributor for Syngenta’s sunflower seeds. Syngenta Seeds also sells vegetable seeds in South Africa, and Syngenta Crop Protection is a major player in that market.

“Thanks to the strong Sensako brand, Syngenta Seeds is able to enter the wheat market in South Africa as a market leader,” said Gaël Hili, Regional Director for Europe, Africa and Middle East (EAME) Seeds. “With our leading global germplasm pool, and Sensako’s existing breeding programs and experienced R&D leadership in Africa, we also have a significant growth opportunity in core crops – corn, sunflower and soy.”

Patrick Graham, Commercial Director for Sensako added: “Since assuming ownership over Sensako in 2008, our core focus has been on benefiting grain producers and processors with our proven genetics and solid research platforms. In Syngenta, I am sure that we have a partner with similar values. Syngenta’s extensive experience, technology and knowhow in the seed arena together with the platform and assets that Sensako offers will be of tremendous value and benefit to South African agriculture.”

Dr. Francois Koekemoer, Director Research & Development for Sensako expressed: “I am very excited and looking forward to be actively involved in incorporating the technology and access to germplasm sources into South African backgrounds which Syngenta has to offer. This combined effort will provide tremendous value to the Southern African producers.”

For more information on Syngenta’s Seeds business, please visit https://www.syngenta.com/seeds.

For more information on Sensako, please visit https://www.sensako.co.za/.

Syngenta Seeds voltooit overname van Sensako

  • Sensako is een toonaangevend Zuid-Afrikaans R&D-zadenbedrijf met een sterke marktpositie voor tarwe
  • Overname versnelt de toetreding van Syngenta Seeds tot de Zuid-Afrikaanse zadenmarkt
  • Stelt Syngenta Seeds in staat om de introductie van Viptera trait-technologie te versnellen om de uitdaging van de herfst legerworm en de verwoestende impact ervan op Zuid-Afrikaanse telers aan te pakken

Syngenta Seeds heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het de overname van Sensako, een Zuid-Afrikaans zaadbedrijf gespecialiseerd in granen, heeft afgerond.

Sensako is een toonaangevend R&D-zadenbedrijf met wortels die teruggaan tot 1958. Het heeft een sterke tarwemarktpositie in Zuid-Afrika met extra verkopen in Namibië, Zambia en Lesotho. De overname legt de basis voor groei en helpt de intrede van Syngenta Seeds op de Zuid-Afrikaanse zadenmarkt in tarwe, maïs en zonnebloem te versnellen.

Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, die als enige rechtsgeldig is.

Syngenta Seeds completa la adquisición de Sensako

  • Sensako es una empresa sudafricana líder en investigación y desarrollo de semillas con una fuerte posición en el mercado del trigo
  • La adquisición acelerará la entrada de Syngenta Seeds en el mercado de semillas de Sudáfrica
  • Permite a Syngenta Seeds acelerar la introducción de la tecnología de rasgos Viptera para hacer frente al desafío del cogollero del maíz y su devastador impacto en los cultivadores sudafricanos

Syngenta Seeds ha anuncido hoy que ha completado la adquisición de Sensako, una compañía de semillas sudafricana especializada en cereales.

Sensako es una empresa líder en I+D de semillas cuyo origen se remonta a 1958. Cuenta con una fuerte posición en el mercado del trigo en Sudáfrica con ventas además en Namibia, Zambia y Lesotho. La adquisición sentará las bases para el crecimiento y ayudará a acelerar la entrada de Syngenta Seeds en el mercado sudafricano de las semillas de trigo, maíz y girasol.

El comunicado en el idioma original, es la versión oficial y autorizada del mismo. La traducción es solamente un medio de ayuda y deberá ser comparada con el texto en idioma original, que es la única versión del texto que tendrá validez legal.

Syngenta Seeds perfeziona l’acquisizione di Sensako

  • Sensako è un’azienda sementiera sudafricana leader di ricerca e sviluppo con una posizione molto consolidata nel mercato del grano
  • L’acquisizione accelererà l’ingresso di Syngenta Seeds nel mercato sudafricano delle sementi
  • Permette a Syngenta Seeds di accelerare l’introduzione della tecnologia speciale Viptera per affrontare qualsiasi sfida legata alla lafigma e al suo devastante impatto sui coltivatori del Sudafrica

Syngenta Seeds annuncia oggi di aver perfezionato l’acquisizione di Sensako, un’azienda sementiera sudafricana specializzata in cereali.

Sensako è un’azienda leader di ricerca e sviluppo sulle sementi che opera nel settore dal 1958.

Il testo originale del presente annuncio, redatto nella lingua di partenza, è la versione ufficiale che fa fede. Le traduzioni sono offerte unicamente per comodità del lettore e devono rinviare al testo in lingua originale, che è l'unico giuridicamente valido.


More news from:
    . Sensako
    . Syngenta Group Co. Ltd.

Website: http://www.sensako.co.za

Published: August 17, 2020

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