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Syngenta soybean portfolio drives grower success despite challenging 2013 growing season

Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
February 18, 2014

  • Soybean growers produce strong yields despite poor growing conditions
  • Syngenta helps growers exceed goals
  • Demand for U.S. soybeans up for 2014

The Syngenta soybean portfolio sustained strong results in 2013 despite adverse conditions. This past growing season was turbulent, unpredictable and far from ideal, yet many growers using Syngenta products exceeded their production goals. 

The data below highlights some of the yield advantages growers experienced while using products from the Syngenta soybean portfolio.

NK® soybeans* in nationwide yield trials**:

  • S39-U2 brand won by a margin of 3.5 bushels per acre versus DuPont Pioneer® 79 percent of the time.
  • S38-W4 brand topped DuPont Pioneer by an average of 4.7 bushels per acre 87 percent of the time. 
  • S20-T6 brand beat DuPont Pioneer by averaging 4.1 bushels more per acre 83 percent of the time.   
Syngenta soybean seed treatments:
  • Soybeans treated with Clariva™ Complete Beans nematicide/insecticide/fungicide, a combination of separately registered products, yielded 4.1 percent over the insecticide/fungicide control whereas soybeans treated with Poncho®/VOTiVO® insecticide/nematicide yielded only 0.3 percent over the insecticide/fungicide control, during pre-commercial, four-year trials in moderate to high cyst nematode environments***.
  • In five Syngenta field trials, soybeans treated with CruiserMaxx® Beans insecticide/fungicide, an application of one or more separately registered products, and Vibrance® fungicide seed treatment yielded an average of 1.8,1.4 and 2.5 bushels per acre more than soybeans treated with Acceleron®, Pioneer PST, and Innovate® seed treatments, respectively****.
  • Soybeans treated with Avicta® Complete Beans 500 nematicide/insecticide/fungicide premix out-yielded DuPont Pioneer varieties treated with Poncho/VOTiVO by 2.3 bushels per acre in fields with nematode pressure*****.
Syngenta soybean fungicide:
  • Soybeans treated with Quadris Top® SB fungicide yielded a 3.6 bushel per acre advantage against untreated fields******.
Portfolio combination:
  • In a Minnesota field trial, NK S22-S1 brand soybeans treated with Clariva Complete Beans and protected by applications of Quilt Xcel® fungicide and Endigo® ZC insecticide, provided 14.7 more bushels per acre than seed treated with an insecticide and fungicide seed treatment only.
  • In Indiana, a Syngenta field trial of NK S39-U2 brand soybeans treated with Clariva Complete Beans and protected by applications of Quilt Xcel fungicide and Endigo ZC insecticide, gained an additional 9.7 bushels per acre versus seed treated with just an insecticide and fungicide seed treatment.

According to Purdue Agriculture News, 2013 marked a transitional year for growers recovering from the drought in 2012 – a year that topped the charts for grain prices and insurance indemnity payouts. Current market trends show that increased demand for soybeans in 2014 could shift more emphasis toward soybean yields and profitability. When planning for the next growing season, Purdue researchers advise growers to weigh their options and keep a close eye on the economic implications of each input.

“Planning has always been priority one for growers, but Syngenta has taken the headache out of planning, thanks to our broad soybean offerings,” said Clayton Becker, Syngenta head, soybean crop portfolio. “We have high-quality seed, seed treatments and crop protection products, all conveniently cataloged according to growers’ needs. From planting to harvest, we’ve got growers covered.”

Syngenta will continue to provide growers with an extensive lineup of soybean products for the 2014 growing season. These products combined with sound agronomic practices enable soybeans to start strong, grow strong and yield strong each season, so farmers can grow more soybeans. Now, planning is simplified with the Syngenta Tools to Grow More Soybeans online resource.

For a complete list of Syngenta soybean resources, please visit http://Soybeans.FarmAssist.com. Join the conversation – connect with us at social.SyngentaUS.com.

*Source: iYield Field Evaluation Trials in 2013. Average yield advantage is from all comparisons, win or lose. NK varieties treated with CruiserMaxx Beans insecticide/fungicide and Vibrance fungicide.
**Average of all varieties in the trial.
***Source: 2010-2013, 68 Syngenta field trials
**** Source: 2013, five Syngenta field trials in low disease environment (non-inoculated)
*****Source: 2013, two Syngenta field trials
******Source: 2013, field trial at Klein Farms, Champaign, Ill.


More news from:
    . Syngenta USA
    . Syngenta Seeds Inc. (USA)

Website: http://www.syngenta-us.com

Published: February 18, 2014

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