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Plant protein

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News archive 1997-2008


September 19, 2024

Cap Protéines Challenge : c'est parti pour une nouvelle saison

September 13, 2024

Is nitrogen important to soybean protein content?

September 2, 2024

IRRI researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice

August 28, 2024

James Hutton INstitute to co-lead a new UK-wide centre to develop planet-friendly alternatives to animal proteins

August 21, 2024

Equinom’s AI-driven Manna technology now commercially available for high-protein pea production (Vegeconomist)

July 10, 2024

France - Nouveau plan filière grandes cultures et semences en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Pleinchamp)

July 4, 2024

Eiweißpflanzen spielen Schlüsselrolle bei Versorgung mit grünen Proteinen

July 1, 2024

Deutschland - Alternative Proteinquellen für die menschliche Ernährung: Einrichtung für Vernetzung und Kommunikation gesucht

June 25, 2024

NIAB to lead crop development in new Bezos Sustainable Protein Centre

June 21, 2024

Deutschland - Nachhaltigere Eiweißfuttermittel: FONEI-Fortschrittsbericht benennt Erfolge und Herausforderungen

June 20, 2024

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördert einen neuen Sonderforschungsbereich an der Universität Halle-Wittenberg - Im Fokus stehen Mutationen im Erbgut von Pflanzen und wie sich diese auf die Proteine auswirken (Bioökonomie.de)

June 7, 2024

Bezos Earth Fund grant creates sustainable protein research hub at North Carolina State University

May 24, 2024

Canada - New project puts fababeans in the spotlight (The Western Producer)

Expanding the growth and adoption of lupin in Canada

April 15, 2024

We cracked the code to uncompromised yield

April 8, 2024

Canadian project seeks better hemp yields (Hemp Gazette)

April 5, 2024

Improving hemp yields to increase profitability for farmers

April 3, 2024

Five companies and Protein Industries Canada investing in “commercialization” of high-protein canola seed and sunflower meal (620 CKRM)

April 2, 2024

Evogene and The Kitchen FoodTech Hub by Strauss Group established Finally Foods Ltd. – Revolutionizing protein production in plants for the food industry

March 7, 2024

Advancing Canadian ingredients with new fava bean research - Investment will improve fava varieties for functionality in consumer-facing products

March 1, 2024

GreenVenus and Plant Research (NZ) Ltd. partner to develop climate-resilient field pea varieties and deliver clean protein solutions for human and pet food markets

February 12, 2024

High-quality legumes could trigger the protein transition

World Pulse Day - Filière pois protéagineux

February 8, 2024

Louis Dreyfus Co. to build a pea protein production facility in Yorkton, Saskatchewan (The Western Producer)

February 5, 2024

Bühler brings the entire protein value chain under one roof in its new Protein Application Center

January 23, 2024

Protealis veut se doter d'un vrai portefeuille de protéagineux (L'écho)

Protealis secures EUR 22 million in oversubscribed B-Round funding to propel sustainable plant protein seed solutions

January 2, 2024

Kichererbse eine eiweißreiche Hülsenfrucht

December 15, 2023

JKI-Lupinenzüchtungsforshung im "forschungsfelder"-Magazin - Unter dem Motto "Echte Perlen - Welche Proteinquellen unsere Ernährung mitprägen" featured das Forschungsmagazin des BMEL u.a. unsere Süßlupinenforschung am Julius Kühn Institut (S. 29-33)

December 1, 2023

Argentina - Presentaron un clúster para la exportación de proteínas vegetales con alto valor agregado



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